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Calling it a 'Truthscoop and Plant a Seed' Day.
Shutting shop. Although both sites up and dormant until the end of the year. Not into giving myself much of a “maybe...” and expectation could re-start in 2020. Be about making good and certain achievements over the later-half of this year. Aim is in not-doing these outlets, . . .
Weekly Ratings Growth
Don't know about 'until the end of the world' and Jesse/Tulip's mutual pledge.
How about..? Until the Amazon Primetime trial is over.
When had enough -- and off.
Even so, caught a couple of Joy Division docs. On to reading Deborah Curtis' Touching from a Distance.
. . .Flash Truther-Books
'Understand television as a transmission apparatus that links the famous with their audience in a giant circle-jerk...'
Marcia Frank quoted in Gore Vidal's memoirs.
Yet had been in the midst of celebrating TV's highlight times and the drama of opinions and ideas. All came together and one debate. . . .
Call This A Marker
UPDATE 2/6: Will be Truthscooping soon. With new umph, while try-do-better and the writing.
Contact with S. Awan on 9/5. He says; 'I'm not planning on disappearing, just so you know: just taking a breather .'
-- Hallelujah for that.
Next Truthscoop on The Persecution of David Noakes . . .
Update: Comment re Talmud.
Update: Article and comment on The MICHAEL JACKSON ‘Child Abuse’ Conspiracy: A Critical Analysis….
-- Beginning again after kicking off this morning. Now, into my once a week-off routine, have a drink and, Saturday. A propensity to get lippy. Reminded of Gore Vidal. Follows the quote used . . .
The Blessed Presumption
It would be a Cowardice and not a Brave... New World.
It's the fight over freedom to continue to speak what we currently can. The blessed presumption and able to assert or consider a wide range of opinions. Already the squeeze is on and UK's media/state is intent on clobbering-down dissenters.
Plans are . . .
The Revelations
Update: See Comment.
A church building imbued with personality and 'our lady of Paris'. Seemed resilient but oh so fragile. Almost destroyed. Saved by the people.
A crazy-arsed looking rescue gets proclaimed "...a miracle". Delays and inability to find the fire but half-hour from defeat, turn it . . .