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Calling it a 'Truthscoop and Plant a Seed' Day.
Shutting shop. Although both sites up and dormant until the end of the year. Not into giving myself much of a “maybe...” and expectation could re-start in 2020. Be about making good and certain achievements over the later-half of this year. Aim is in not-doing these outlets, will increase space and time, to get what ought and must together.
Began them both in November 2015.
Truthscoop; all because connected up with James at Crimes of Empire. Born out of a comment on 'Zionism-Myth vs Reality'.
For me 'Crimes' and getting bang-into The Burning Blogger of Bedlam, gave me what's needed. To spark and spit -- (how like to describe). Together, they represented the best on the block. Articles with hard-to-find convictions -and yet- had an own-man openness. Reliable research for a vital education, came passion, in a way could relate and stirs me up.
[Edit/update: Missed and wanted to say; Both can end up doing what's 'not covered' by others, or not reported too much elsewhere.]
Often first-up and likely remain foremost on the false and hoxie flags. The great misunderstood events that define contemporary politics.
As commentary went ever YouTube-centric, here was writing that vid.-making couldn't replace. Plus, they might write about the other than politics. Could be on culture or history, mysteries and puzzles.
Thereon – got into a Truthscoop groove in taking on articles of note. 'Scooped' to give comment and provide a springboard to rave and rant.
As for Plant a Seed: Part about try keep me in check, having to reflect whatever state am in. Self-analysis, through some level of public expression. Then there's evangelism and re-present Christ as read, and believe have come to know. Even a prophetic element? How words released into relative digital obscurity, could have unseen power and purpose. Back into doing good in the material world. If/when, getting it aright what God might be saying.
If prayed through?
And here be the IF and got to take precedent over writing. The why and off. Hoping helps and a sound, kick out the jams move. Take away communicating and the time and attention it takes. Whatever the identity and identification -- no more.
Yep, can derive satisfaction and read what written. But... too often the upshot are regrets and want to delete. On that, the last two Truthscoop posts set me off on this must-stop-it path. Didn't like the way they went and not sure, could wrestle next shot, into acceptable shape.
Became catalyst for the decision to call it a day. Next morning anger and spent stupid amounts of money on comics. Now look at them and am distant from/hate. Winding myself up like this. What wild, sentimental, misplaced enthusiasm?
In the end, the one important need is be true to who-am. Many times, upon-reflection, disagree with the content or positions taken. Somehow, this time, it revealed too lost and troubling self not to cause a new and radical move.
Go up a gear and do more/do better, would cost in ways, not worth the outcome. Go all in and a daily tip-tapping routine -or- freed up for other pursuits?
Thanks for reading and pleased to go commenting on Crimes and the renewed and soon-come Burning Blogger.
Still best, many can, have-a-go. Will watch for...
Watch and... oh please God... get-a-prayin'.
PS: What will do -- for the holy heck of it, is later today, select some of the images used and fill the page up.
Me... the preacher, eh.