Call This A Marker
UPDATE 2/6: Will be Truthscooping soon. With new umph, while try-do-better and the writing.
Contact with S. Awan on 9/5. He says; 'I'm not planning on disappearing, just so you know: just taking a breather .'
-- Hallelujah for that.
Next Truthscoop on The Persecution of David Noakes & Lyn Thyer and 'one of the best interviews I've ever heard'.
Update. Plug and... 'Buzzfeed: The Joke Police' and; 'MI5 AND MADELEINE McCANN'.
Updated 3/5.
Call this a marker. To write what, and about, soon as/say more.
For now? Curious who will write a post do a vid. and call out?
One at a time. The way of the censor assassin. If it goes without too much rumble on YT or WP, the next will be...
All... but.
The ever-rarer light-post and Burning Blogger Of Bedlam is where journalism is/was best.
To be continued...
So many things to say right now. Could rap on about how good a read and BBB/S. Awan, but... don't want to sound like it's over.
Or, gripe and snipe at the disjointed alt. net. Are writing/talking to who..? My question. While those among -- ARE among -- getting swatted like flies.
OK, the gripe: The bigger sites and vid. makers, matter most, in what and who around they encourage to join the shout. That's it. Not the think-talking to supposed influential and shaking their alt. detractors. Outside of intellectual interest and stimulation is a growing collective voice, or not?
One mission that might matter.
BBB is/was a motivator -- hence, Truthscoop. Who knows, how many/a handful, read it but all and thereabouts is so little else.
Crimes and BBB got me doing this. High on list why-bother is other's nudge to DIY.
On where BBB sits and this WP ban?
Jay Dyer is the other one a while back who got WP zapped but he's more about vids. And neither he or anyone much can think of does a BBB?
Crimes of Empire... in the way of political coverage, although James/'Crimes...' is on a break.
Read Unz and The Saker but it's more often leans academic -- still about the nearest to BBB. As for the look, feel and broad accessibility? Nah... can't think who/where-else.
An education and sharp angles on current affairs. With culture and history peppering the mix.
Oh dear... what madness eh, and old USSR and other dark parts are we moving into?
Been a whole heap of Facebook bans this week. The thing we can say about those affected are able to define the sub-set scene they live within.
Actually, Farrakhan (banned) is a bit of a confound-er. Like S. Awan, boxes aren't there. His own box.
In my estimation, S. Awan is the top writer in many political areas and places. While almost the only one, consistent in covering 'the f.flags'.
Easy to assert and stand by.
Where else?
Be like an able to admit-awake John Pilger [Edit: PCR or could be a nos.] -- editing the once upon, and N.M.E. While doing it all himself.
Sure, there's great stuff here and there getting out. Nothing close in approach and editorial choices. Panache or pizazz.
Gets me to want to spit harder and faster.
Will add a further update at top of this page re; news from S. Awan.