The Blessed Presumption
It would be a Cowardice and not a Brave... New World.
It's the fight over freedom to continue to speak what we currently can. The blessed presumption and able to assert or consider a wide range of opinions. Already the squeeze is on and UK's media/state is intent on clobbering-down dissenters.
Plans are for false-flags to cause a reaction. To switch the internet into a full-on subservient and prescribing 'safe space'. Lots of daring and outrageous this way and that but disallow talk about 'the flags'. Or anything else, contrary to the technocratic vision. To 1984/Brave New World fulfilled.
Doing family, this way, or that? Pushing for collective and wider influence and improve the collective? All off the table and no otherwise-alternatives online or able to be underground.
The embrace and emerging, swamp-all 2020's Tory/Labour/etc. Big Biz Manifesto. The coward's New Religion is coming upon us.
Intending to be all-encompassing and designed to appeal. Chill resistance or complaints. At least, for a while. Getting to so it's too late to matter and no one much wants out. No room to communicate or move without open monitoring. Restricted viewing.
Public discrimination on the basis of conducting offensive hate speech.
Will too few dare to resist the seduction and not manage to get some breaks on this?
The word 'religion' is about being bound to something. An allegiance to provisions and a provider of dominant importance. Acknowledged confession; a chosen path.
Including rituals and regular. From 'Two Minutes Hate' to the puppet's on screens, talking-up and grateful. Considering the transformation from the shabby 'old' into the new and improved techno-wonderland.
Caught and rescued. Pulled back from the chaos as we lurched into a said-to-be unfixable collapse. Saved with a stark explanation, economic and social breakdown would continue on otherwise. Pulled back by officers of the state in uniform from mad max lawless rampaging and chaos -or- else?
The way of the Bankster's and desire to bring satisfaction for their 'higher-masters'. Deceiving spirits they suck on.
Plan A. is we worship them/behind. Revealed as god-like, we see them for who they are. Give adoring thanks we're slaves ...but satisfied. Knowing best and what might sustain and not cause further social destruction.
Thinking behind the deal will be relative comfort and security -for- constant micromanaging.
Say, 20% of the population, employed behind the AI fence. Doing what's needed to keep the sheep grazing and inoculated.
Singing the songs of the state and worldwide alliance.
The federation and union. Call it what we like but it's what we have now yet somewhat masked. For those interested, the secret history is for disclosure. Sure, get-told; scholars and historians lied but it was expedient and necessary.
Our know-betters know best.
Make life all about consuming and experience. The chill-out strategy will seek to offer accessible sex and drugs and rock 'n roll. In a variety of cultural specifics and tastes.
Else-wise, it'll be hyper-authoritarianism and meticulous, monitoring and cohesion to conform.
Brings us to now-about-times?
The Lamps.
Where we're internet-at. Voices speaking up and where the subjects are secondary to questions of allowance.
The Peterson-Žižek encounter produced a heap of interesting breakdown's and slam... most on Peterson, videos. For me, it was about the dangerous promise around more talking and the difficult. Žižek was a revelation and to hear him cheer-up intellectual courage to speak this unspeakable to mod. elite ears are breakthrough moments.
Next 'lamp' is Owen Benjamin. Landing in ever better places. Like one and all -- fallible and can be irritating. On the other-hand; inspirational and genuine subversive. The context speaks: How we communicate and where we live out from. The push, and get push-back, is instructive.
Carl 'Sargon' Benjamin. Made Sky News and this is where the coal face is at. The dare to let in but would rather not.
One last one: 'Amazing Polly'. What terrific pushing research and proclaiming.
Closing here. Hardly a piece. Want to get quicker knocking them out. More and less fussing. As soon as care how and what like -- stop up.
M'message, thus:
The battles some of us will want to fight tomorrow are happening today. Now. This very week etc. It may not seem quite the raging and repression but it's the door half-open before gets shut. Do well to make what internet noise can. Sure, get it can seem an in-vain get-nowhere gesture but it's each one encourage one. Otherwise, redundancy and shouting-done others in a squabble over purity.
Overarching political social ordering isn't the issue. The Right won't talk about what faking-terror is Islam. Left don't like historical revision that muddies their Marxist waters.
Peterson-Žižek somewhat ruined the enemy need to see division and relational bust-up. As for the misjudged and maligned lines and opinions -- check out all the commentary videos. An education on Socialism.
Again it's down to attitude over raw information.
And approach.
Last night was a Jill Dando documentary. Compared to Richard Hall's explosive investigation showed the mainstream in all its shallowness. The approach was so befuddled and banal. Even without Halls' contrasting line of enquiry.
It's more pretend and played like children. You can almost hear the baby-sounding voices. As though we're the too-young to hear the adult truth.
Actually? Likely, nasty and malicious, covering-up.
And Dando? If Hall is correct and looks so. Was in some way 'one of us'. See the false-flag and want to blow the whistle.