The Revelations
Update: See Comment.
A church building imbued with personality and 'our lady of Paris'. Seemed resilient but oh so fragile. Almost destroyed. Saved by the people.
A crazy-arsed looking rescue gets proclaimed "...a miracle". Delays and inability to find the fire but half-hour from defeat, turn it around.
The hip-pop projection on the wimpy, wonky, wobbly ones who gather together in Jesus name. Plodding on to destruction and ageing congregations but heritage and artefacts for preserving.
At least the bigger and more famous ones. Because "it's the buildings stupid..." What 'The Church' equals and owned by and "for us all".
An 'accident' reinforcing arty-priorities on said; gormless and has-been Jesus believing dupes. So the under-media-lying storyline goes. Although, not without ample surface level reason and reckon the case on the wimp score.
Not even the beginnings to make any sense should happen. Somehow a fire and inadequate health and safety. Thereon the documented response and footage is full of the peculiar and bizarro. Screaming "that's stupid". Weird this and "no-way" that. And "oh so lucky".
What's the purpose of going through the litany of oddities? Serious official explanations are never offered. In fact, provides ongoing chances to up the intrigue. Better if wanting to cover-up would on some issues, say nothing, but the opportunity will be for more wind ye up.
In other words, display some ineffective lying. Along with a certain intentional profile and authorities/media's cool detachment from questions.
To reveal, confuse and "let's move on". The power and purpose in the revelations. Push it but don't blow the sting. Well, part and part. Depends on the receiver. Dual strategy.
For those who see scammy flags, it's about reinforcing. For the lost in the idolised naivety, it's satisfaction and settled.
The Nice bloodless lorry and a pile of mannequins event was a supreme example. Eventual CCTV non-disclosure and the need to extend the farce to outrageous proportions. Could proper lie and pretend. Nope... sow those suspicions.
(Update/edit: Suppose they had no CCTV choice.What else could they do?)
It's all about pushing the fiction to ever greater lengths. Perfect pitch and so close to too-obvious.
This church building fire matching to occulty dates stuff. All for a whole, another false-flag looking, shebang.
Somewhat missed the obvious where next? On and on about be religious and buildings to whip up the clash. The need for more ethno-nationalist fervour. The need authorities, fronting the cabal, have.
Accompanying social-media censorship timing. More stoke the far and right -- and "extreme" into growing their popularity.
Wrote; 'Buildings torched would be the budget option'. This one suits and not the fake but dub 'Islam' line. Leave lingering suspicion and amp up a 'cover-up'.
Now, an excuse, for theology -- open and awake kind. Would do a Plant a Seed but getting it here.
The God who isn't there shown in a fire he didn't or couldn't stop. Ideal in leaving no sensible explanation adds the mystery and puzzle the converts?
Is it the God in the rescue? The statue removing prep. and inspiring brave first-responders. The should have engulfed and collapsed but held up?
While certain keenies for Jesus will talk of God sending the flames. Yet, could include, getting the valuables out first. God blasted and Notre Damn-ed and bound to claim is about gay sex or wayward Catholicism.
While men in dresses get emotional about "her" and "she" and the embodiment of their old time religion. The new mission and resurrection.
And soon cometh, all the 'we need to multi-faith/no-God rebuild', spats and fussing eh?
One easy to forget or miss: Tends to depend on someone's foundational understanding of God.
Definitions and me, re; 'open and awake kind':
'Open...' theism. Plus, no backing away from "it's an unseen war".
'Awake' in paying attention to the crimes and criminals. The crime-scene and news headline events. Asking, who benefits? Means and motive.
Where the prophetic meets the demonic? Whereby we somehow hear God and what's a for now-times word. Not talking audible voice, although a possibility -- more like, impressions and conviction.
In capturing this and linked to Bible-words, provides for active verbal, releasing responses.
We hear and -- with God -- talk back to, while speak and can even be singing out, and into the unseen realm. Could be in any form. Writing out or audio-visual what have you.
My opinion; world-talking and out-there, rare as genuine church growth that sustains. OK -- can't name too much of said-who and what. If at all. Exceptions are in and about individuals or small groups.
Ones saying they're at it and habitual proclaimers are far as I see, near-on, always wrong. In fact, sometimes a non-Christian gets closer. At least in the hearing part and delivering the tone and temper and ring of God-about it.
So, specific life on earth commentary can include a communication from God. Can be the vehicle with God to bring about the changes for God and toward the aims of all who want peace.
To false-flags:
Inclusion of bold and unnecessary signs and giveaways are the enemies, countering, counterfeit.
Always there and from 9/ll the hallmark wind-up. More even, than rub the dare-look'rs noses in a brazen and ballsy exercise of incredulity. More than expedience and whatever on the ground and in our heads' results are the revelations.
The theo-gazing purpose is about is non-human intake and activity. If... God's open and we're not living in a closed and all-set future.
Specific symbolics and an image-penetrating sacrifice are the mainstays. Having to do with the momentum of evil. How the dark and destructive movers and makers need this to achieve.
Not God-doing and burning Church building to show something negative.
The one show something and sacrifice is Jesus re-setting the world in proclaiming 'for God so loved...' and that being the why-Jesus came and died. This 'event' not all about a messaging-act and only for reading theories.
Instead, said to be an alive and direct, present provision. For those apprehending and asserting solutions and smashing back evil. Open to all. Inside by God's Spirit, if invited. Even if not, there for the calling upon and asking help with.
When a certain reading the Bible exercise becomes a weapon, armour and releasing seed. When praying, aka attending toward the God who is here, is... the main answer to the social collapsing mayhem and madness.
Not the fatalism and God being some testing deceiver. Ancient-Greek infiltrating philosophy lobbed 300 years later into the interpreting mix. Thereon everything that happens, credited to God. Devil/s an ultimate puppet for a God who has set the future and is standing, somehow, 'outside' linear time.
(Please note. Not saying brilliant and beautiful Christianity isn't conducted by those with alternative views. Am banging on how the moral-lacking and failed apologetic of this position keeps reappearing. Into shutting the Christ real and good door.
Skirting about 'The Saker' link-through and read; 'The Chinese worldview is not Abrahamic, after all – there is no God pulling the strings: YOU are responsible, and shame is your portion when YOU fail.'
Back to the Book and must jump off the -- should be on Plant a Seed but here/today -- pulpit.
The New Testament seen-one, dismisses and opposes, destructive forces with personality. Denying and resisting. To battle and engage toward and to a degree, some level of immediate, desruption.
These enemy/entities roam and rage about for progression. With a cabal of humans with world-shaping power into their works and perverse wonders. With as big a crowd as can get. Confessing along that the flags are real and symbolic sacrifices are 'terrorist' troubles. Or loners, or accidents...
As Christain's confess in their most-central and heart that God-is... the other side unseen lot, call for a confession and deceptions' believed. Fuel for activities in the masses duped and "dare not call me a conspiracy nut".
Now and internet-days, able to announce to billions. Entrancing and contributes to the cause. All about what we 'see' and believe on TV etc.
About these deviant beings' needs in the battle.
Somehow giving the destroying one's room to grip and influence.
Knowing God does nothing but speaking ahead and our engagement with is God's way ahead and for life and love. For betterment in all ways. For safety and peace as far as.
The enemy does the opposite for a form of devotion toward and some kind of enabler.
Better said; language-based, humans-uttering, agreement.
That'll do.
To a quick scoop:
Fast Forward's short piece states in full:
As the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris became engulfed in fire on Monday, conspiracy theorists quickly got to work - blaming the blaze on Jews.
French police quickly said they were treating the fire as an accident, possibly linked to the church’s renovation work. But despite - or perhaps because of - that statement, online bigots quickly got to work. Many pointed a finger at the Rothschilds, the banking dynasty of Jewish heritage who have been central to anti-Semitic conspiracies for century. French President Emanuel Macron once worked at a Rothschild-owned bank. Others tried to link the incident to other church fires that had occurred throughout the country in recent weeks.
And six tweets.
Easy work if you can get it eh?
Fallacious and fallacy. The anti-all-Jews line is hard to find. Could it be the lack of popularity is because it makes little or no sense? Is there a genetic and or cultural/religious disposition?
Well, even if contended... the overwhelming anti-J.-line is about the few-among who do much and a concern.
It wasn't all... the bankers of old, manipulating into running the money and causing big wars -- but many.
It isn't all the big troubles across the world are about Zionism -- but lots. With connections two clicks on a search engine and documented.
It's not only all this kind of thinking, demolishing public freedom to speak, but it leads the charge.
Mossad fingerprints time and again get found among 'terror'.
Political Zionism isn't going to bring good to Israel. Nor the rabid and manic calls about anti-semitism.
Some who say it's all about "us" and history/persecuted:
(Others talk of the opposite. Here suggesting, 'thoughts on the protected race'. With open comments -- it's let's get light about, otherwise the fearful want the dark.)
'France is in state of shock, the Christian world is outraged while muslims are rejoicing on social media'.
'Jews have nothing to mourn'.
But all in all -- aghhh, leave it here. Leave it on a God note:
'No one lights a lamp and hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light. For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. Therefore consider carefully how you listen. Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what they think they have will be taken from them.'