Flash Truther-Books
'Understand television as a transmission apparatus that links the famous with their audience in a giant circle-jerk...'
Marcia Frank quoted in Gore Vidal's memoirs.
Yet had been in the midst of celebrating TV's highlight times and the drama of opinions and ideas. All came together and one debate. Captured in the documentary 'Best of Enemies (2015)'. Where the engagement of politics and personality was never more interesting or influential.
As a documentary there is nothing better. Went on a freebie introduction and Amazon Prime to see it.
There's so much to it. Rather than nostalgic it troubles the contemporary viewer. Or should. Where do we sit? Buckley or Vidal? How the children have their Alt. Right and Left lines, yet how different was their differences. How refreshing in that. And how this should help us think better.
Marcia, Gore and like, were already able to see what The TV etc. Beast was, and planning to become. We live in their expectations and declarations. Although they themselves were in the last days of the short window of something else.
Vidal proceeds the quote with:
'I recall Professor Frank's remarks as sharply witty and now they are the core of a book about how public intellectual from the hot world of print can survive in the coolest medium of all, television. Frank recalled my idle remark some years ago: "Never pass up an opportunity to have sex or appear on television." Advice I would never give today in the age of AIDS and its television equivalent Fox News. Sone autre temps, autre moeurs['Other days, other ways'] as Roseanne Barr might say. Frank links my remark to Andy Warhol's famous ecumenical prayer: "In the future, everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes." "Both" she writes,
"understand television as a transmission apparatus that links the famous with their audience in a giant circle-jerk..."
Having a Gore Vidal Revival Hour. Bought loads of books. Not sure will read because don't do fiction. Now-a-days.
Nah... Lest we-not forgetting. Are we?
The one that-important, public intellectual, out for investigations into 9/11.
Only equal might be Prince, who again -- like Gore -- did his one climb on up and tell 'em all about it moment. Prince did Chemtrails. Said enough. Did his truthelising with a hand pointing upward, looking for questions and honesty.
Happy to explain, this the kind of chat Prince and friends have. E.g. and Blow a Trumpet: "Go do ye likewise".
Vidal recommended a book at a filmed university lecture. Broadcast and thereby blasting all the surrounding multitudes of star-talkers. Not as 'Gore Vidal' as all that, oh quiet and limpy ones.
Julian A. recently brought out a Gore for his arrest and iconic moment. Whatever and JA being all Is. or whoever -- not the author to condone. Lots of others wrote on the security state. One talked the don't-talk-about.
Media: Blackball as far as can and risk assess.
So, two, big names.
No 3?
Please, don't go; 'what about?'.
No. Not that out in one, and setting the red lights a-flashing in the studio.
Vidal and Prince are of that level in the 'giant circle-jerk'. The above just-famous level. Living cultural royalty. Both had their pushed down and out period. Both blazed on. Bold and dare reckon hotter.
Prince in presence and live show alone? Followed, by who?
Two people, out of the too famous cream of the crop in their respective fields:
Will not bow.
In the space and allowed. The secret talk-shake and public-bowing to the not-so naked emperor.
Rule one... and hence they disobeyed:
Don't flash truther-books or talk about chemicals in the air. Or, talk Hitler/Jews and the what are lies about the wars. And the rest. Or public health unless Govt. allowed.
Note on Saturday Selection:
Had said would write about David Noakes and Lyn Thyer.
Must/ought... OK, gotta. All about why write is an indulgence and exercise for empowerment. Need to write, to be on the better rhythm and right thinking.
The Saturday Selection will try and scoop an article about an important now-thing. Combine TV and like, that week for me, with with current affairs.
Love be able to say Gore Vidal is the prince of writing. Not as considered across the fields of past and present contenders. When he will go lone and shark. Not impressed by the glitterati and glam, having lived in the palace at the pinnacle of style.
As for the music man, is about tops -- as anyone sense-knows -- be top 5.
P. The sign. Written about 'Call My Name' and 'Can't Make You Love Me'.
Gore is a lyrical storm-trooper. Can he write. Does. And what did get; This is what he likes. Writing. And had our digital-stuffed up number.
Twas/tis, prophetic. No, hear him/read him again and all about -- is... prophetic.
Not so lifted up upon his death. Saw at least two (Amis might have been one) speak coolio and keep ya knickers on about Vidal. A troublesome will-say what and care not what this reflects back.
Much to do with his attitude. The ultimate insider, as no one else was... well, not like that and then. Oh yes, there were others -- the ones Gore writes about and meets.
Always considered post-war America the period for my attention. Writing.
Movies. The 40's and into the 50's had it. Get the 70's carries the weight but no debates on TV like the 'Best of Enemies' blows up.
Music follows writing. Film and Art. Would say 40's graphics are more roots and shoots. Spine and squiggles more-like.
It was a time when 'religion' or all that other jazz was a-ok in the chat. Among the best writing of the day. Weren't at all jittery like today over the transcendental, metaphysical. In the main from the lardy la-la to Buddhism to Jesus peep .
As a Christian wouldn't for one minute expect this to be hip and hoppin and literary festival stuff. Throughout the 50 into the 60's there was a lot more openness.
Only equal and 'God' gets in the high-art tracks of our day: Roots and culture. The small part of Kingston Jamaica meeting UK cities and large towns. From 1974 to 1981. Or, by the mid-80's.
Second and last burst of a kind of devotion or seeking, infused in the hardest culture of its day. Writing, here music, which lasted and stands up. The critical claiming the power in dance music and UK/JA's enduring legacy.
Get the psy-op 60's line but some happenings had an independence last seen. Where ideas mattered but could be important for so many of the public. All thinkers. Now we've lost this in the bitchy label quibling all eyes on MSM or not and 'out there'. The alternate research internet space.
This wasn't one person -- a Jordan on Channel 4 -- it was the two-side reconciled but spitting. Baiting but biting. Personal and patriotic. The manner and style -- and vulnerability, grip.
We're now well on in decades and deep in the age of missing information. We suffer the deluge. Bit like moving out the big city to a smaller town. The internet is all big-city. Countryside is for saps. Unless of course 'connected' and then it doesn't matter.
Only smart move and the internet is not-a-lot and be a 'countryman' dump the handset etc.
Dump Amazon Prime too.
Couldn't find anything wanted to see on Prime. Almost gave up and then spotted and watched: 'The Preacher (2016)'.
Blown away. Seen some Cohenesque crazy throw-about film -- ok, not a lot -- a bit. So, not well watched, but this knocked me sideways. And now an overnight Comics--into person. Consider 'Absolute Preacher HC Vol 1' the one book in the world am after.
What to say? Three strong characters and dialogue that has me thinking. Ultra violence, that is the least most violent, y'all ever see. Jessie Cutler (anagram of 'Secret Jesus'), Cassidy and Tulip O'Hare are the linchpins. A roller-coaster smacking you on many levels. Did me.
Critics showed early praise but quibbled in the longer-term. Fans think different and like me are believers and sold on. Myself, liked 'The Press (2018)'. Even mad-oh 'Line of Duty (2012-2019)' had some fireworks. Anyone note, the Mr. Got through it chief star story, outed as a Mason in series 1. Seems to me this makes the box set a winner in the temples.
Cartoons and yet talk, as real and life as could be. Throw in a theological dig. The Book of Revelation is like The Preacher. Comics and show. Written in apocalyptic (unfolding) common in the day parlance and poetry. There isn't a defined narrative and what's going on in The Preacher. Provoking and pressing buttons it allows for doubt and fakery, monsters and hope. God and what is -- wide open. A place to consider and question.
Will take me ages to get through. Hope am right in thinking will want to.
As for 'The Virtues (2019)' -- what to say?
Gone rogue (?) in Line of Duty, Stephen Graham, heads up a script that doesn't feel 'written' and acting that doesn't seem an act. Quite the most moving show have seen for a long time. Thought 'Broken' (2017)' began and had moments like. Three Girls (2017) was heads up drama of that year.
But this Shane Meadows epic in four episodes wasn't like TV.
Somehow the right atmosphere to express so much and what's around small town lives I know.
Lives like 'The Virtues'.
Reminded me of World in Action, Play for the Day, from 50 years ago. A guts and drama, wrench and feel -- hard to explain but all in there: Sad and funny, beautiful. Present, romantic, tragic, punishing flashbacks, and the ordinary madness and magic.
Fourth and final in the selection:
'63 Up (1964 - 2019)'.
Not seen the likes of this ever and must get copies and pore over. Got to be the greatest program ever made. How not? "What's yours about? And you?"
"Oh 1964 seven year-olds, filmed every seven years". End of. This isn't another program, it's one community we can deep into reflect on and get to know. All there. Shocking and illustrates our times.
Right. Put this up on a quick shake in time for Saturday. And this the push, do another 'selection' next week.
Pleased to announce The Burning Blogger is planning a website return with podcast. James of Crimes of Empire is talking of posting again soon.
And Truthscoop is me and... my shadow.
Me and get on it, and stop the care-what might be.
Vidal could write but his dogged honesty is what floors. The freedom to speak without appealing to a crowd. The words he read, he liked, and the ones he did were for his ears and eyes and the immediate response.
First for others yet do me good.