And The Winner Is...
– we ask the right questions.
Open-up to more than mainstream. Read between the lines. Care to matter:
We must fight for survival. All that.
Write and speak out. On the back of others, or original pirate material? More voices/volume increases. Better, and more honest engagement – the better.
. . .
Gotta get on some original posts, not only comments recycled. But... the need is to speak… write up. In principle. A stand. Must be done. How and whatever. Everyone/please.
Commented on Crimes of Empire's Brexit!
Oh you do make me laugh. Zip of a read, distilling the nuggets. Mockery – a sturdy . . .
LD on Prayer
Lasha Darkmoon on The Lord’s Prayer (‘Our Father’) in 30 Languages
LD: The Lord’s Prayer contains within it an entire worldview and philosophical system. Its profundity has taxed the minds of many thinkers for the last two thousand years. Entire books have been written expounding the meaning of each sentence. If all the . . .
Sod What?
Commented on Tap's How humans are mind controlled to become killers
Can’t comment on the overall thesis but suspicious there’s underlying influence in the desire to discredit, all homosexuality, in the name of God. The final back-room elite who dance around with demons, in a frantic faith-build and thrill-up. See some . . .
Truth 1
In reply to a comment by Truth1 on Crimes of Empire's Massive Contradictions in Orlando Narrative
Truth1 has kindly responded again. I could do my bit – as offered in a comment/hence this post – but never much good at planning to write... by the time I come to do ...etc. etc.
He asks what I'm trying to say? . . .
Listening For The Lion
Commented on 21CW's Exploring the Concept of ‘Prison Religions
Shallow sarcasm. Shallow historical/theology. Pleased he does, push, push – without pause. Doesn't do the Christian cause any harm. Far from it. Invariably points to the question/er. And with this, chances to answer/ourselves. God too. What David says, . . .
Less More
Commented on: Someone’s been preparing the patsy for the Jo Cox assassination
People could laugh at you for suggesting this – but in the climate of being ever-surprised, at new levels of subterfuge, understandable to err on ‘what sounds mad’ sometimes. Considering all the, “yet-to-be considered/forced to admit…” history of . . .