Gotta get on some original posts, not only comments recycled. But... the need is to speak… write up. In principle. A stand. Must be done. How and whatever. Everyone/please.
Commented on Crimes of Empire's Brexit!
Oh you do make me laugh. Zip of a read, distilling the nuggets. Mockery – a sturdy upsetter. Like to believe Brexit would be a move ahead. Mostly, messages to others in their respective states. Not convinced plan A or B from empire’s elites position exist. At least in overly “necessarily preferring” terms. Close enough to fraud-over or perhaps allow a negligible majority to vote leave. Then on this basis, declare ‘too close’ to enact. Out but – not-so quick/if at all, would at least include, the growing realisation for many who haven’t yet sussed, we’re more trapped than believed.
Likely the enemy is more vulnerable to difficulties with an exit – so on that basis/votes-go – and so, “cheers”. My suspicion with this close a call, ‘those behind Brussels’ will choose the outcome? Not read of the ease or otherwise for fraud in this particular vote but mixing postal votes in before counting etc in Scotland, shows they wanted that swung, the way went. And presumably with this wider referendum in mind.
Wiser heads than me, suggest the unravelling of NATO and more… one more UP/if/out. Regardless of the literal dilly-dallying in untangling of UK and EU. Although EU-Brussels held structures dismantled, would be the likely out-outcome and one step NWO backwards… (Another “shout-out”).
The economies are sitting ready for a crashing push if they don’t topple unstoppable. And if necessary used to cause a post-instigated, financial-crashing, backlash. Escalation of situation in the who-knows-what about Trump? Yesterday watching some economic warning talk, consider ‘civil emergencies’ this year, looking all but…
The ‘message’ from leave: “We have a collectivist hope. A big and better Govt. Pleas. Our solutions are global… therefore…” OK James, after reading your article I can feel the shallow on this but think it is about, an ethereal desperation. A hoping and sort of willing the ‘conspiracy theories’ to be exaggerated. Wrong. Raw psychology over policy – or, if you like, ‘politics’. A view of love and harmony with means-well intentions: IF..? “We can all hold hands and come together”?
But sadly ‘we’ rightly contend this is a Disney-like dream, constructed on houses of horror. In the back-room are people who so hate us all.
Borders coming down is obviously – if ‘remain’ – what will bring the fight to the streets and the unveiling of ‘nations in a state’. We need unity in whatever diversity best held and inhabiting together. But not organised by those who see the world as their zoo.
So those unprepared-to-wake have left the vote too close to remain to fix otherwise, the likely but pray, I’m wrong. About to gallop off into “we’re leaving – deal with it” – Jo Cox? A suspicious post-Orlando – who knows what?
Socialism but not awake is being exposed through all this. Which their arch-critique Peter Hitchens says, is taking a step of faith in those, ‘obtaining office for the Sons of Gentlemen is now & always has been mainstay of Tory Party. No beliefs at all. Will do anything.’ Let’s, H-word again, many will wake up Friday feeling it’s time to… well, ‘wake-up’. Hope is prolonged enough. We need more to become the hope.
James Robertson
Many thanks Mark. The vote may well be rigged as you imply but there is n point worrying about that before it happens. That is one of my suspicions regarding the Jo COx incident, it was staged so as to create a narrative that would make it easier for them to rig. It is very hard to rig a vote if the margin is ten points as it was in one of the polls at that time. Thanks for commenting.
And Darkmoon's British Referendum: Brits to Choose Between Freedom or Slavery
Sadly this is where I’m at. They’ll probably choose to fraud a narrow remain result. Post ‘Jo Cox’, have the margins to convincingly pull it off? Could be wrong and if subsequent polls are significantly against a Leave lead – then they’ll simply adopt their alternate strategy and let the vote go. Albeit ensure it’s as close as possible. ‘Out’ has some vulnerabilities, primarily messages to the world and unravelling of the EU, NATO etc. Yet, if this the case, what backlashing consequences have they set up? Paul Craig Roberts for me, has about the most reliable sounding lines and James at Crimes of Empire in a short but straight-to-it piece. Out/if – has some hope. Bit like Trump/in. But yeah, the ‘comforting illusion’ maybe more trouble than it’s worth? Even if Brexit etc… won’t necessarily let ‘us’? The EU breaks up? What’s the replacement and how to bring this about? Will this and US election woke more up? What are the waking polls saying? And there’s always ‘civil emergency’. ‘They’ are fallible and insist on believing – they will be overcome.