Truth 1
In reply to a comment by Truth1 on Crimes of Empire's Massive Contradictions in Orlando Narrative
Truth1 has kindly responded again. I could do my bit – as offered in a comment/hence this post – but never much good at planning to write... by the time I come to do ...etc. etc.
He asks what I'm trying to say? Well here's some thoughts by another; Excerpts From God’s Strategy In Human History which I reference in a comment. I've the updated book/s (two volumes/v.readable) which make a reasonable case for a more open perspective.
I'll debate with Truth1 here if he likes? Or anyone else who might comment but I'm going to leave Truth1 below with the last word.
One small clarification, the change came early fourth century on, not the third as stated below. I meant to communicate from the third - onwards, but writ it wrong.
Respect to Truth1 for being open and making the effort (if you read this do ask a specific question or something). I will reply. Apologies for somewhat copping out but lack some umph and gusto. Also like to find, or be guided, in direction to take. Hence, requesting a question.
You know, I was marveling how these various psyops screw up so much in such a variety of ways. But then it dawned on me. The Pharaoh and his army went down into the dry bed of the parted Red Sea, that God began taking the wheels off their chariots in pursuit of Israel. God was messing with their mission. I got the feeling as agreements were made between Satan and God as to how their dispute would be tested and the limits and rights of each in proving their points, that God must likely have reserved some right to disrupt a little since Satan got to lie outrageously. The JFK assassination was so full of blunders that I find it hard to believe there was not some kind of disruptions caused by God to confound the lies some. The one that strikes me mos is how they killed Officer Tibetts, because he was such a close look a like to JFK and then botch and boggled his being “doctored” up to be the autopsy replacement for JFK. so now they had 2 bodes, neither of which was any use to them then. The list goes on and on. But not remembering your son’s full name? Priceless!
I am sure more entertaining stuff will follow. JFK stuff kept coming out right thru 2015. I feel all mysteries have been solved with the JFK psyop, one of the worst. Nothing fake about that casualty and many more to followed over the years. These shows may never end.
Bro I so don’t want to pick, especially as Oswald was on today. Might have read, how… some ideas/Bible are a red light. No need to go into again, I’m always banging on it but – with respect – NO ‘agreements were made between Satan and God’. Jesus shows us this. The early church and from Genesis on. There are no agreements. Yet, appreciate your comments but yes, have to stick my hand up. Not to explain-again about this? Not here. Not now. On this post. But keep thinking it through T1, fair play you suggest or believe such because… yes-this is something most Christians hold by the necessity of their position – yet – don’t think it through. So might say, they don’t, but.. etc etc. Shapers of this third century on. Bible and before this is one war that isn’t a false-flag. Two sides – no compromise. Not in some “agreement” or as far as indicates, anything mutual in communication terms. Not communicating. War-ring. Us up and “Christian” or other; justice, truth and reconciliation mission. Gospel preaching. Fight like God loves us, most through, prayer, declaring, commenting – we speak. Love and God. Concerned might-as-well-be, all we-got, jornos.
Best to you T
Respectfully Mark, there is nothing in the bible that plainly and directly states that There were terms or agreements between Satan and God. But it is quite evident in the Bible that terms has to exist and limits and boundaries. The difference is between Bible readers or casual listeners, vs those who really give the Bible some thought when they read things. To look beyond the event to what was behind them, is an advanced technique that most in the world have not grasped yet. That is precisely why most people are not conspiracy theorists. You say what I bring up was not appropriate at this place and subject. i disagree. To try to understand what is going on, without consideration of this supposed battle in the spirit realm, in view of the remarkable predictions that have come true and describe our age, would be foolhardy. You do whatever you think is right for you. I’ll do the same. I care not whether anyone likes what I do or not. My actions are not influenced in the least, by the opinions of others, approving or not. For what its worth.
I generally like your posts. Just not this one.
My miscommunication in suggesting ‘was not appropriate at this place and subject’. I was meaning my time-constraints to contribute. And yes, of course, ‘terms has to exist and limits and boundaries’. But described as an ‘agreement’ presupposes negotiation and this, raises questions about genuine freedoms and authorship. Intent, willingness, self-limitation – God’s character and ways. And to quote a book/title, ‘God’s Strategy in Human History’.
All together on: Jesus dies/to destroy evil/here/now/far as… Yet an open view / theism rejects the ‘agreement’ that Augustine to Calvin – we say – constructed. Yes, mainstream, ‘agreement theology’. Best we ‘talk about’. Not pretend there’s no-differences. These two views – Arminianism in-between – are a bedrock for ‘Who is God?’ And something James has kindly given me/us, space to/here and there, to dialogue about. Non-Classical-Theism ‘believers’ take issue with some of the ‘remarkable predictions’ claimed to be Biblical prophecy. But this one cares less about that with another Christian, than “you hold this and…” What productive mission, we all can do?
‘You do whatever you think is right for you…’ through to, ‘…For what its worth’ – is somewhat prophetic and should exhibit through our radical honesty. Thanks for reply. Always read you and say “well done”. If I felt that strongly otherwise to address/would. Only really one reason. ‘Agreement’ thinking might (understandably), put some seekers off or reinforce their why “no-God” (no, good God) dilemma. All I hope to do, if someone’s ‘searching’: Note alternative Christian based considerations? Is God ‘working with’ evil? No. Is God..? and… So we go. The Bible, reason, tradition – and a search engine await. And God o’course. So loving, would like to meet.
Mark, I am not sure about what you wrote, But you bring up a question I would like to clarify. This relationship between God and his accuser/adversary I will refer to as Satan. Satan really, questioned God’s motives. Not sincerely. Satan just wanted what he wanted, which from what he has done over 6000 years, is what he wanted from the beginning, to receive worship from humans. Though we are primitive to spirits by comparison, they still seem to have a desire for our reverence and respect. In fact, because many of us deny Satan that worship, he strikes out at us with his anger for not giving him what he wants.
I see this a lot in men who resent women because they will not give what some men want. Some resent the power and desirability that women posses. Some men are bothered they “need” women so much. Same for Satan in regards to us.
But God does not fear His motives being questioned and explored and tested. He is confident and secure, as well as innocent of charges. But Satan wanted to cause a lot of misery with hist testing and exploring. God wanted Satan to just wait and see how humans progress on their own, without interference, and let that settle the issue over what humans really are or are not. And that sounds reasonable to me. Again, this is reason based on enough facts in the Bible, but no direct plain message in the form I present. God and Satan assume that any intelligent person will see this. Satan then sought make us “non-intelligent” to show Bod up for his “silly” creation. Most people do not grasp the dual nature and involvement of the instinct and intellect together. We start with instinct and hopefully progress to intelligence, which actually can reprogram the instinct in time.
Anyway, God agreed to allow a testing of His Creation and Himself, too. He knew it would be better than not allowing it, for then, there would always be doubt. and by letting it be thoroughly tested, the matter would be clearly and undisputedly resolved for all eternity, so that it will never have to be disputed again.
If Satan agreed to the terms, and failed, he would have to pay with his life. So God raised the stakes high. Why? Satan was not being rational and was going to create a lot of misery and harm. Satan had a chance to do it the right way. The little bastard would not wait. He as a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum. His own wants and thoughts (self-importance) were all he cared about. So now we have this dispute among us.
its all in the bible and yet it is not. Its there if we want to use life and its lessons to fish this stuff out from in between the lines, so to speak. and incidentally, this happens to be the flaw with law and justice, in that they do not pay much attention to “inferences.” People will say, I never said that! That is correct. But they did infer it and it was their intention, though not clearly spoken out in direct and plain terms. most contracts are worded in vagueness and deception. Law and contracts is/are designed to hinder true meanings and deceive.
When we explore conspiracies, we are trying to look beyond or behind surface appearance and discern what really was going on, for we know that appearances can be and often are, deliberate deceiving. so what I bring up, even in this religious context, bears a huge impact on the purpose of this particular blog, which is, Crimes of Empire. To get into those crimes, require the same inference that one would employ with the Bible. Really, motive is the key to discernment. God requires good motive and discerning truth also requires good motive and law and justice, supplied by the Status Quo of various times and places, has never had good motive. its always been about power seeking its on interests exclusively.
so while I do appear mad and egotistical, its not my real intention. There is a method to my madness and my aim is true! All things are related to each other such as religion compared to law, justice, and compassion. And Religion just might be history and law, too. Imagine that!
Couple of reasons for not replying (here) fully. The ‘here’ bit, in taking more pixels from ‘Crimes’ to spout a long-ish reply and – time I give myself/available. New rhythms or rules of life have me on an hour to do Plant a Seed at 8am/Truthscoop after 5pm.
Therefore, next scoop to address your comments. Suffice in making the briefest response now. Do well to explore but the question stands above; What re-action? To this we know what we’re told does most and all damages hidden-enemies upon earth – Praying. Knowing much at all but less/not communication with God, maybe/merely holding, theoretical knowledge? Action is prayer. For the health of humanity, in love from and in, God.
Got to start most-fully. Have to haul this lazy frame into a quiet space. Do whatever takes. Do. Long and daily. Early. Pray as we-go isn’t so bad a move but the get-a-away kind is the powerhouse. (Even though may feel weak and frail as anything).
I don’t think God wants anything from these evil forces (with personality). They came out the freedom life is built in and God, yes – waiting to return and fully deal with troubles, committed to letting life continue. At least thus far. Having thought twice, agreed with all who might hear, to raise up his body and army on earth. All welcome. Don’t read God makes deals with Satan etc, about this or anything – period. No testing and outcomes. All out war and what ‘we’ do. God made this all – ‘until He returns’ – dependant, on us, through him. Why the world as is? Good people do…/good people don’t… something/nothing? Unseen wars on the saints and all, rage to stop us realising who we can be/are ‘in Christ’.
You/we asking what’s what? This is healthy. In the battle for remain and restoring what’s here, at its best – civil, communal and human. God wants us to kick back darkness in prayer with given-words. To expose the prison built on conspiracies; Catch and convict empire’s criminals; Work with one and all in the pursuit of good. ‘To those who by persistence in doing good…’ To fail as mad, bad as me – but picked up, go seek again and more. Take care. Reply on truthscoop if you like? Thanks
Greetings Mark! Listen, the problem may be me, but I am having a difficult time understanding clearly what you say or believe. So I will just take a few points that seem clear enough.
God did not make a deal with the devil. The devil wanted his way and was insistent upon it. Rather then resort to His power and just authority, God decided to allow a challenge, so as to settle the matter. I am sure He foresaw that such a thing would come up and that it needed to be address and resolved. God does not hide things or run in terror from confrontation .But he did make it clear that Satan would pay with his life if he was wrong. Any decent person would make clear the consequences of any actions deemed wrong or offensive.
Not sure if you were advocating war or not. But I don’t fight wars. I do take action as you mentioned action as important and the equivalent of being prayers. I agree. I put my money where my mouth is. But violent action is not allowed to Christians in the Bible. Many Christians wrongly participate in violence.
For me, action is making known what God wants and why it would be wise to listen to God and even obey Him, even though He is not currently enforcing His will upon all the earth, since He has allowed Satan to do pretty much as he pleases, for a limited time, with some restrictions and boundaries, of course. God still holds ultimate power and could enforce it at any time He so chose.
Since the world has been denied good education with Satan in charge, I try as best as I can to make God’s ways understandable and desireable. I believe humanity would prosper best that way.
All Crimes of Empire result from our rebellion against God. So I advocate a return to God, and await the day when God will not allow any more crimes of empire, whose crimes are often initiated and enforced by Satan, the great enemy, not only of God, but of all human beings.