And The Winner Is...
– we ask the right questions.
Open-up to more than mainstream. Read between the lines. Care to matter:
We must fight for survival. All that.
Write and speak out. On the back of others, or original pirate material? More voices/volume increases. Better, and more honest engagement – the better.
Comment on about half a dozen websites, include some of them here, certainly long-ones. What does this achieve? How about encouragement to do likewise. Difference or similar tip?
Please make contact if I can at all assist? Peace and love. This, what we need.
Commented on TTIP and the UK’s Misjudged EU Referendum Debates…
TTIP is a bomb shell. Underestimated. I did. Recently, becoming a bit Paul Craig Roberts groupie, sat down to his devastating breakdown. Now this. And ‘…remarkable is that, through all of these weeks of debate, neither side has really mentioned TTIP.’
Make a great T.Shirt to have paraded around campaigning gatherings. To repeat, be honest, until PCR spelled it out, I knew the danger-zone line on it but…
Read a brief comment somewhere suggesting Remain would be a better defence against TTIP? No idea myself, but he/she said ‘this’, determined their vote. Least shows perspective? Let’s assume this person is incorrect, or there’s same danger each side; what lazy campaigning to overly make immigration the Leave plank. Especially, when immigration and the in/out/EU is only one aspect of ‘this question’.
The ‘Far-Right’? The any Right, that overstates. And Left. Understates. Islam. And the city-problems/Muslim/Koran link pushed too far. And… (keeping over-concise): Anyone who insists on adding to their argument for western-based ‘terrorist’ incidents/threats = Islam? Yet, knows and names ‘false-flags’..? Well it shows, that only by throwing this in can they build up sufficient alarm. But don’t those who scream “Mus-lims…” understand or conveniently forgot ‘self-fulfilling prophecy?’ ‘Islam unable or unwilling to moderate?’ What? At all? And, all and all haters?
More importantly what is our ‘commentary’ doing toward this? Or is it – and now the new whisper towards a shout of simple-minded solution – Mass Deportation? And so the ‘alt. right’ becomes..?
Yes, re-corner backing and Farage and Johnson (more genuine than could suspect otherwise). The T.V. (sadly watching now/ish/news at 6) is-a j-o-k-e. Cannot help their brazen but sophisticatedly subtle bias. Won’t comment on the rest of your challenging insight, for space/time sake but one thought: Two moves… Established ‘Fox-types’ and new alt. (US-mostly) comic-based ‘Right’ are suddenly mixing it, with those who admit/rage against conspiracies. But, all kept when ‘hanging-out’ somewhat muted. (Price of fame). Only dating at the moment be I can hear them bells. Then what?
And ‘the Left’ and few are/those call-themselves Anarchos have never been closer. (Not that they are/but…). And so my thang here is – Convergence. Anarchists and Marxists go on, to get the ‘bedlam’? Best hope I had for this Ref. and US/prez, is opening up to different and less-said questions. Policies and results, secondary. Growing-up, and those previously shut-off to rabbit-hole considerations.
But… social unrest is quickening.
Listening to a broadcast this week, (UK and Dutch person/s). The UK-er bemoaned ‘Muslims asleep’ – Dutchman, said his experience was otherwise. I agree. In my inner-city evangelism those originally from Islamic-based descent are open and somewhat, or a whole-lot more-know, up on who Isis etc really are? Whites? Thick as a brick. Or shrug… and “so-what”.
Stir up here. More. Thanks.
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