Convince People Not To Believe The News
Try find someone who chirps up they "believe the news"? Not sure anyone would answer affirmatively, yet... all but intentional abstainers watch and take the ride. Believe it/ish. The idea there's a 'political strategy' to attack and convince not to believe, as Mr. Robinson suggests below, is . . .
Heads Or Tail (Who Is Leading The Wars) ?
Unless a unipolar world is sufficiently the truth and in place, the march to wreck any middle-east chance of relative regional peace, and therefore prosperity, is stomping on. Fuel in this rocket? There's no candidate like 'Israel'. A likely a geographic hideaway come reigning terror of who-knows what inside . . .
Let's Be
Let's be, find a scoop to zip-zap and yea be done. Return to the handful for sources. Yet, reading this well-said number groan at brick-wall Britain, and brick...
Here and... the same old nonsensical song. In EU/US parts, the most outlandish displays of forthright oppression, is the neo-liberal march against . . .
How Very Post-Modern
Dash and scamper post. Plug to my multitude of avid scoopers: Sunday View and Sunday Wire (11am and 5pm) are as good as gets in adult education and the politically motivational.
As the outrage grows, so the quality of these two outfits, excluding experience and intelligence.
Last night rambling nothing . . .
This Is 1984
'I've never seen anything like this...'
Sit down with Melissa and wallop.
Here leading a requiem and/or a battle cry? What do we hear? Some ways a terribly sad video. Perfectly amplified in quite anguish and despair, yet resolute and hope. Dynamic duo Aaron and Melissa Dykes. Honester more . . .
Who's Who? And Better Do Than Don't.
Recommended 'Fake Alt ... Exposed' and pleased I was. About 20 minutes through, will do a swift scoop and during the day, bite-size into the rest.
My take on Mr most-despised and hated Jones and to some degree, all thrown in the discredit and damaging ring -- off-top-of-my'ed -- offer three headings to . . .