This Is 1984
'I've never seen anything like this...'
Sit down with Melissa and wallop.
Here leading a requiem and/or a battle cry? What do we hear? Some ways a terribly sad video. Perfectly amplified in quite anguish and despair, yet resolute and hope. Dynamic duo Aaron and Melissa Dykes. Honester more express-us tones, doubt you'll find?
Prefer to listen, first-time hear. On a phone, sitting back. Stare at the wall.
Make this a cop-out quick o-post? But got the, gotta do daily, bug.
Let's talk messenger over message. And Aaron on I.W. bringing sturdy presentations with high-impact short films. He would host the show and very good he was. Then Melissa joined, then they left, with far and away the most concerning of allegations. See, me, on Alex and 'Who's Who? And Better Do Than Don't.'
When they began Truthstream Media I wrote and said, if I would support anyone financially, it would be them.
Watching rack up some numbers. More though, and consistently gripping, short-documentaries; a benediction, talk to the troops, bring out the trumpet -- have voices like a best alt. country music track. Delivered with reliable -- we can be confident -- critical and fine tuned research.
Bigger than the information and plea is them And, particularly couples out there, who might do the same. Civil duty it's called and in a time of struggle an up-rise.
Our time to shine. Up for it? Melissa and Aeron are. Are we?
Will you hit the acorn on the right of this page, send me something. Respond first or if you prefer, publish and comment? If you like?
OR Please go to and give this outfit some sails.
Peace up.
TruthStream and signpost on Tap It’s Official: This Is Straight out of Orwell’s 1984…. Posted by Gordon. Truthstream Media. 'You can’t get a more literal interpretation. It’s 1984. Is anyone going to say anything? And if they do, will anyone hear us? Support us on Patreon, read our goals here: