Let's Be
Let's be, find a scoop to zip-zap and yea be done. Return to the handful for sources. Yet, reading this well-said number groan at brick-wall Britain, and brick...
Here and... the same old nonsensical song. In EU/US parts, the most outlandish displays of forthright oppression, is the neo-liberal march against and 'anti-oppression'. Speech is the horror. Not actions but speech predicted leading to oppressive actions.
Sounds... hurtful and... mean. Nasty noises. Certainly way before intent to cause serious crime.
Not turn off or from but MSM amplified -- minority/numbered -- self-appointed voices, dreaming are the WE who represent People, here to stop the spread. Lock up the airwaves. Get the feds out to catch someone chatting in a cafe. Install(ed) devices to monitor the intellectual pollution. Scanners seeing our minds work.
We Are Going To BE pummeled into a sedated morass in the name of "Stop THEM -- aka white and male in the contemporary and popular vein -- being in charge". Or we stand? Not about national versus collectives wider or how to run the places but holding open the 'public square'.
Witness this, for me, perverse pleasures and 'Tucker Carlson vs The Alt Left' belittle the stupid floor-disappearing, illogical hog-wash of the progressive/regressive.
F-in mad ain't it? Utterly fathomless degradation. Crowds and power somewhat explains. How about caught and plonkered in an ideological whirlwind swept up by love-to-hate 'them'?
Staged car-crash-crowds aside (oh yeah proper staged), the violence has been relatively limited and isolated. BUT... will surely increase as the Press do their masters' voicing and tell us "WE HATE... THEM and THEY must be stopped". Backed by Government-sanctioned violence and imprisonment.
Reasoned open discussion with the alternates... concludes... awash with double-speak and those advocating the Brother gets bigger. Sanctioning the thought-police, seems A-OK and argument winner. Solution? Enforced silence. Debate gone/gone.
How to win/turn over the board.
Suppose student-rage HATES the perceived loss of credibility. Kind of culture-pop position in cool-arts and youthville. A supposed-Left, rattled. Snakes spitting and hissing, "we can't get work-easy so no-work for anyone".
Is this Left or simply bitter and wounded double-down out of pride? Not so caring for cause but "bring on the collapse" is better than being snubbed.
Scheduled regardless, downturns and cash, the social-justice model as cover.
Bread and circus have to be cause célèbre. Films to footie, pop to T.V. where we're called to care because, for many, that's all they...
In the UK the tip of the club is no more neggie Jew-talk. No more. And the lawyers, cops and courts are coming. Bang, bang-bang and bang on times: That people hate Jews and must be stopped. Before it ends up a kick-in.
How to stir genuine antisemitism (mad def. that) by prosecuting antisemitism.
99% don't anymore hate Jewish people anymore than they do; Americans and Muslims and call them "Nazi scum" and any what-have-you pick ya scapegoat. Thus assuming 'haters' at all, more moaners. Pure racism is extremely rare.
Said bad apples make the whole tree or orchard so = racism. This pea-soup-fog covering the clearer and nuanced view is, who gives a.... No one. People don't. NO ONE CARES is the rot varnished with simplistic notions of marauding gangs looking for certain skins or fashion. Who cares this much? Maybe people who don't but wound-up by the outcry to make a punch or spit a curse?
The big lie about politics is the commercial gutter press are talking to people who care. A final dampen the last embers. Who out there, answers this question affirmatively or precisely, "are you interested in politics?"
While political, socio-cultural or religious prejudice is rampant and what rumbles away is this false correlation between some of the tribe/tribal ways -and- the tribe. Debatable what is Jew-ish but their fans "say" these folk need protection and yet thereby, increase their vulnerability.
Greater Israel with whatever actors -or- not planned/poss.?
The policy by Govt./Corporate Israel, shows dubious intentions for 'peace in Jerusalem'. Perhaps this is why someone claimed Kissinger, proclaimed Israel will no longer exist. In but a few years.
In these days, weeks -- and soon. We have a choice. Individuals finding anyhow to do their 'take the knee' but not about racism but the last -ism which race is subservient because it's under this umbrella: Communication-ism.
The right to be wrong or suggest otherwise.
There goes. Let's..
NFL Hysteria a Reminder of How the Elite Have Controlled Men for Thousands of Years.
From Isaac Davis for Waking Times. C/o Tap.
“So long as they (the Proles) continued to work and breed, their other activities were without importance… Films, football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.” ~ George Orwell, 1984
Few things in American culture exemplify the fractured status of the collective psyche quite like the popularity of the National Football League (NFL). The NFL has become a de facto symbol of American freedom, while in reality it performs the function of the Roman circus, keeping the distracted from the extortion and crimes of state.
The NFL is sponsored by major corporations and by the U.S. Armed Forces. The games played in multi-billion dollar subsidized stadiums have become patriotically charged events, where spectators conflate fighting for freedom with watching games for entertainment. Men are told to pick a team and go to war for that team. Fans of different teams are mortal enemies. Military planes conduct fly-bys overhead, and participants are apparently expected to stand for the national anthem.
The euphoria of football has political value. The sport is an important program of deflection and subjugation of the natural male will to protect community and to fight against foe if necessary. This natural drive is captured and projected onto the tightly controlled images of the league, its teams, and its players. Games are presented as life and death struggles, while real-life issues are downplayed in favor of this never-ending drama.
Author William Cooper talked about the importance of football and other major league sports in a society where men must be pacified in order for the government to continually abuse the populace. Cooper’s perspective is that such enormous investment in the sport as a national pastime serves to distract the people from important social issues, deflecting blame away from the oligarchy for it’s contributions in destroying real freedom. When men’s passions are levied on sport, they pay little attention to the workings of the state, and have no gumption to resist creeping tyranny. MORE