Heads Or Tail (Who Is Leading The Wars) ?
Unless a unipolar world is sufficiently the truth and in place, the march to wreck any middle-east chance of relative regional peace, and therefore prosperity, is stomping on. Fuel in this rocket? There's no candidate like 'Israel'. A likely a geographic hideaway come reigning terror of who-knows what inside the inter-ballistics? Or post- and recover? And/or 'the dome' is..?
Or, the sacrificial and elite to the bunkers, from remote islands to the Poles?
Israel go down? What a demonic coup. And yep, this be a Global 2.0
Will doubtless repeat this: Rests somewhat on public open discourse. To talk about = discover the differences. Truth stronger, persuasive against falsehood and error.
What's a bigger info-communication need, than read, watch and engage across intellectual and religious/or-not divides? The more on Zionism, more we light the wider terrain.
The circle extended, to refute or rally-up. Or, for me, lots of as yet grey not B&W conclusions.
For example, can't say I'm not considerate of Mr. Isolate But Preserve -- Brendon O'Connell -- who's adamant it's all clear-as; Putin and Netanyahu with City Of London want a 'One Belt One Road'.
Regardless, in some aspects, how bi or tri-polar the brokers sift out: The threat of a), Won't -- moving into increasing cannot -- speak of the influence/power of Israel-first.
Leads to b), Bombs (or whatsoever not described by this) down on the masses from Jordan up to, suppose, the northern Caucasus?
And what of the Bear? Are they being offered a deal? Offering, or the offensive -- depending on Atlanticist leverage within? And so who sits at the table's head? At least in managing war plans.
At least, left to/run by, those perhaps, the final backroom elite.
A) -- talk about -vs- Here's a list:
It's in the Bible/we have the script/so it's God's perspective 'we' stand behind; The emphasis Is. fails in nuance and complexity; Jesuits run the synagogues; Islam is and always was the neighbourhood bully therefore...; So goes Israel, US and Western cultural and social freedoms and advances; Once a scapegoat always a scapegoat; Named Jewish and success is jealousy and they're rightful bosses; Better we broaden the aim and interconnection with non-Jewish parties and hit out at this -- and thereby them, in the mix. Not the other way.
While mainstream m. is coming on with zeal and "shut-it" about Zio-this and kosher-that.
Laws are on the books and in process. Steady and towards; even this wee less-than v.informed and educated view, becoming illegal. Intimidating unto hate-crimes. All my Jewish readers and corresponding anti-Zio racists awaiting my stir to action. So delete via the 'kill switch'.
One tactic is the tiring of hearing about Israel. Years back in these parts, Northern Ireland, suffered the same overkill. Turned off, by too turned on about. Israel-talk is tricky for the controllers.
Too much restriction of communication throws up the counter. While sideline's babbling, covering over what's decisive.
All looking to determine our freedom to speak publicly. Exploring the revelation, confirming how far the stakeholders in Israel's foreign-policy lead or are led, the ish.
The claiming-Jesus Is.-lobby, will cry religious wars and uphold a need to stand in the contradictory unfolding of The Bk of Rev. -and yet- seemingly needing to throw the kitchen sink in opposition to openness.
Is it happening or not? Hence the wobbles.
We need to talk about...
America’s Jews Are Driving U.S. Wars — Philip Giraldi. Former CIA officer Philip Giraldi explains that for the last 16 years the United States has been manipulated into fighting wars for Israel. Giraldi explains the tremendous power that Zionists have over Washington’s foreign policy and American public opinion. C/o Paul Craig Roberts
America's Jews Are Driving U.S. Wars
Shouldn't they recuse themselves when dealing with the Middle East?
By Philip Giraldi
UPDATE: September 25, 2017 - On the morning of September 21st Phil Giraldi was fired over the phone by The American Conservative, where he had been a regular contributor for fourteen years. He was told that “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars” was unacceptable. The TAC management and board appear to have forgotten that the magazine was launched with an article by founder Pat Buchanan entitled “Whose War?” which largely made the same claims that Giraldi made about the Jewish push for another war, in that case with Iraq. Buchanan was vilified and denounced as an anti-Semite by many of the same people who are now similarly attacking Giraldi.
September 19, 2017 "Information Clearing House" - I spoke recently at a conference on America’s war party where afterwards an elderly gentleman came up to me and asked, “Why doesn’t anyone ever speak honestly about the six-hundred-pound gorilla in the room? Nobody has mentioned Israel in this conference and we all know it’s American Jews with all their money and power who are supporting every war in the Middle East for Netanyahu? Shouldn’t we start calling them out and not letting them get away with it?” MORE