Hard not just want to drink too much and swing. (Not that am). Tis a short cut, instant fix. In the face of no-reaction, slam into easy mode. But moving into fitness and best. High the intoxication way = boring.
Prepared earlier/not my thing/and all my whizzy thoughts.
Who am I talking to, and why>and cannybe . . .
'Daphne Caruana Galizia, known for her investigations into corrupt Maltese politicians, has been killed by a car bomb. Daphne attacked both the government and the opposition in Malta. Daphne's targets ranged from corrupt politicians to banks facilitating money laundering and the links between Malta's online gaming . . .
Tranny Loving Jesus
Presume best intentions and grabbing an opp. to promote political aims, Joanne Lockwood -- see Premier News and link to this post -- asks Nigel, for a print job. Who might as well/should have/why not eh?, stated upfront; doesn't work for anyone too far from his sexual and social ethics.
He believes, people predominantly . . .
Harvey Scapegoat
Update 16/10, Liz Crokin and Richie has the word on the iceberg of abuse and the meltdown. And raises important questions about 'God's will'. Something I should cover on PAS.
Mission find anyone writing not smacking with self-righteous twaddle about Harvey Weinstein? Good for a quote?
About as . . .
Neighbourhood Watch
'Time for a Laugh. A reader sent this humor:' (to Paul Craig Roberts)
Said I'd save doing long quoting/excerpts but this one best seen out here.
What to say and this scoop?
Taking down the flag taker-downers, in a wash of merriment and the ridiculous prospect of trying to cleanse history is . . .
Empire Socialism
New way here on TS. Quote from an article. Link, while not displaying an excerpt. On writing not vid. Short and say it. As Orwell wrote, the enemy, is insincerity. A gap between aims. Real, or declaring, and unnecessary jibberin'.
Writing... a writer, where be thee? Pilger can. Does here. Gone there. Last article will . . .