Empire Socialism
New way here on TS. Quote from an article. Link, while not displaying an excerpt. On writing not vid. Short and say it. As Orwell wrote, the enemy, is insincerity. A gap between aims. Real, or declaring, and unnecessary jibberin'.
Writing... a writer, where be thee? Pilger can. Does here. Gone there. Last article will TS, before seen. But this a good un.
While less than frank about the octopus behind the reach and calls it empire, John asks, what about the mainstream socialist appeal? His incline and territory but does MP talking, respectful collectivist vs small/no govt. fair any better, for the overall pop?
Actually, no one in this usurping state-leadership -- banker-etc puppets -- advocates either really. Dream, hope maybe but no, a glaring disconnect. Like young children dressing up and playing older professionals. Soon be time for tea and who's really in charge.
Both Lab. and Con. are big-Govt. growers and correspondingly over-restrictive-ites and onwards, to increasingly intrusive measures, against individual liberty.
Both MP-gangs, setting up and all sides of the 'perceived to be be' equation. Perceived to be terror>control>oppress. Or; Perceived to be abuse>child services>oppress.
Hence, two doorways that might get smashed?
Between us and "welcome to the new gulag" sits a vocal and any-other-ways volume, until the message gets taken on by the proud and resistant to the conspiracy. Active ones socially able and could be the over-turners. Reckon would take 5% of the pop, rearing up and won't back down-ers.
(That, and for people like me and the, gotta get in prayer)
Two gates, two required barriers, that unless come-down, we'll be finally locked off from talking, writing or filming about.
False/hoax-flags and; social services demolishing of families and projection of threats to obey. The perceive equation.
"You will take this jab, you will watch this info-mmercial, you will shut-up and be seen but not..."
Simplistic take is at least the Tories pretend-less and go for letting more of a Darwinist sift in the prisoner's associations. Feudalism for less, in thinking are trying to pump-up, what's supposed the largest possible better off.
Labour, alternatively, like social engineering within a Darwinian framework. Fabian facts and forcing on us the psychology of complete control.
'Love your servitude' said Huxley. And this is Labour's cause. Love the New World Marxism. Of course, all the loudest singers, see themselves or already are paid or going to be, ruling class. The benevolent ones eh, on our behalf?
Oh yeah... and once the boots are on and a club in hand?
Who'd we prefer?
Regardless of answers and say, Libertarian deceptions-about or merit? We aren't close to choosing c/o MPs. The only choice is a battle for truth and a Pilger for instance, able to hold his position and talk quite as openly could. Nevertheless, he's been moving ever closer to doing this. And already a rare hot-button pusher.
Once he had a Tony Benn to hold a candle for. Or, a seemingly repentant from what's noted here in his article and compromised Robin Cook, who at the end of his life said about the most outrageous independence, ever uttered in them dark chambers. In Parliament, in 2005; "Al Quaeda's a database, a creation and ongoing fiction of the CIA".
Hitting the first of the equations. This the grand silence. A sick m.s.media-led weapon. The unutterable with the know-it-all set. An empire that oscillates between and behind, falsely portrayed meanigful, political paradigms.
More QT -or- type, vid, talk-about, turn up at a meeting exposure of THIS: The terrorists are... and child-abuse is...
Pilger is devastating. What possibly does a socialist do with his assessment? Marx disputed and those who surmise; Labour, far as away from, still for infiltrate, militant-up and take-over, vs start another 'party' for the votes? This assuming 'the party' matters but what about the venue?
And if the 'sun hasn't set', who and what is this fiery ball?
Nearest, unquestionably mainstream acceptable, while wild for truth; probably, John Pilger?