Hard not just want to drink too much and swing. (Not that am). Tis a short cut, instant fix. In the face of no-reaction, slam into easy mode. But moving into fitness and best. High the intoxication way = boring.
Prepared earlier/not my thing/and all my whizzy thoughts.
Who am I talking to, and why>and cannybe bov?
Yeah, every day, spout protest and respect. Plus, let's acknowledge what happened 500 years ago this month or so. Both liberating waters with some poison.
Looking myself, for well written and newly published, non-fiction. Something speaks, to the signs of the times. In writing help me receive 'n stir. Recently started contacting those scoop'd and first time inclusion. Stopping this.
Proper in the know, would expect, seen me on four or five sites. Where occasionally comment and oh so unexpectedly be uninterested.
Bollocks is the word. Ne'er mind.
The relatively small truther-scene is fractured into itself. Perhaps gaining a regular bunch of readers. While video fairing better, in both numbers and therefore, response.
Interest, in dynamic social commentary and criminal exposure.... where be thee?
Gone transferred to audio or/and visual. With You Tube carrying volume, nowadays, specifically removing and re-removing, subsequent attempts to broadcast. The conspicuous target is clear, those most brazen and persistent in investigating false-flags. Add, elite paedoabuse. And murder.
In BBB and Crimes, found two sites most appreciate reading. Begin this by wondering where to go for material? Mentioned John Gray to someone today, so here we are.
As for the awakening of an individual or otherwise, doggedly set. Ain't necessarily so and all that but hesitant to make these posts, a directed message, to an individual. Unrealistic effort has been a long ol'crazy hallmark which must be revised.
The need isn't even to 'awake' people. Not if idle curiosity and bystanding; be ne'gh hot nor cold the outcome?
Tend to have-a-go, face to face, seems unloving not to. Preludes any Christ-talk. Of course, if someone still instant the towers 'fell' how can we move on to God?
No signs of openness, repentance out 'n a guttural cry.
Found Muslims -- at least in cultural and heritage terms -- the ones who get rightly amplified and engage. One or two, properly alarmed, with even limited knowledge of the looming beast.
Forgetfulness: Making the Modern Culture of Amnesi by Francis O’Gorman by John G.
With respect, can't be bothered to review, or the reviewer. Make Sargon-like witty smart overtures. What a waste, oh oh, what a waste...
(sang Ian Dury, for ref.)
To whom and why?
Richard Stallman said digital info is vulnerable. Get that? Went to a beautiful bookshop and discussed with Bryan. Books matter. Slam up our thoughts on the sidewalk.
We should use paper.
We're all so so smart-ass but but where unite?
Anyone out there?
Update 21/10. In case anyone stumbles on this: Musn't vent my incoherent frustrations. Being pathetic and whining away. The state of our world is somewhat the state of me. These posts carry so little worth, wonder if I'd be better quitting? Get to a point of such necessity to self-indulge, sabotage any thought there's value in this communication. Hence the splurge...
Not that I want attention at all -- far from it, almost embarrassed if did -- but somehow the any-kind of public dimensions motivates. Will carry on I guess but try to do better and make this an analysis of something written -- not turn it back on to 'me'.
Wrote three people last night, by now they'll have read this and taken a gulp of concern. This bothers me. That I persist reaching out, not sure why and what for and therefore, crazy behaviour. I need to stop that, period. Yes, I did drink. As we know, never bright to drive or type or actually much that requires sense. Better not touch the bottle at all.
And final note; 'On October 31, 2017, Martin Luther's recorded posting of the 95 theses on the door of the Wittenberger church castle celebrates its 500th anniversary.' It's not necessarily right to make claims that it contained poison. The whole thrust of the article that I should have attempted to review is that we should be careful in what we attribute to the causes of the out-workings of a complex past. The Reformation was undoubtedly the moment we first had the written word for the masses, including the Bible.
The internet has been 2.0 in some ways. My frustration is the lack of non-fiction writing of interest to me. Probably should read books but for contemporary news-type events, the internet is the ideal vehicle for more immediate reactions. The problem is decreasing motive and unless I write about audio/visual, find it so difficult to source material as an article or post.
Babblin' on... will have another go. Do another one and try oh try to spark myself up in doing so.
Peace to you and pray I fast strong and mighty. The next false-flag is being amped up to happen, perhaps to unprecedented levels. Should approach this. But who is writing about this wisely and openly? Hunt on. Thanks for reading or perhaps, this the cracking sound of a tree in a wood without anyone listening?
I don't mind. God heareth.