Udo The Mirror
Said- alternative news often takes heart lie-making mainstream press is in decline. That the grip of Govt. based operatives embedded within will lose influence and, up comes… all our socio-political enlightenment. On clicks info-warriors. Problem with this thesis, is the notion alt. media is on the up.
My reading . . .
Putin Plans?
Yea and nay. It’s Orthodox Christianity that’s all central committee smiles. Evangelicals are on a rough road. As for gay things? Is all out oppression better than full-on promo perversion? And ‘corruption’ c/o Yankee cartoons and censor, this being ‘great again’? All in all, noting the Bible and gotta watch; ‘Such . . .
Ball Of Confusion
Time to plug away. 2017 and re-start – more here, than there – postings. Expression for freedom, else feel a-hypo-crit. Write because, it’s a blessing can, and we’re under an onslaught not to.
Do something on..?
How about, whatever’s top of Drudge?
Like . . .
Nino Red Dress
Nino, red dress and pouncing. We meet for the first time, on a rare for me re-track, back into the fourth. All five B’concertos I’ve overdone. Therefore v.few outings and far b’tween. This got me clicking on the look of her poise, seemed involved and yes, attraction ‘course.
This flows easy, light, with less – . . .
Aghhh. Sturdy fantastic Julia Fischer, on one, as well known as it gets. Where at? Another new interpretation on ever old faithful's. Struggled and spent and spent, to expand the repertoire but remain in the overly familiar. A lame, tried to try, explorer. Down... Up For seeing them at it on a clip and straight up . . .
BWV 227
Being a boring ol’soul…. Ooops, bad/confession. STOP. Rewind: Being a culture-little one, Christmas does get me Bach-ing away. IF, I listen to music, it’s perhaps 70’s Jesus peep Keith Green or, no-perhaps-about and J. Sebastian. Personally, Bach’s enough. More than a mega-mix. Always more.
Last year did a bunch . . .
Brahms First
Jingly jangaly time. One thoroughly noisy Hélène Grimaud. Bing, bang, bosh. No, more beautiful, sounds. Requires seeing her countenance whimper joy, fingers dancing. Hélène, attacks the piano. I gasp. Dangerous and breath away.
Enveloping strings, coming back under themselves, surging and groaning like old men. . . .