Putin Plans?
Yea and nay. It’s Orthodox Christianity that’s all central committee smiles. Evangelicals are on a rough road. As for gay things? Is all out oppression better than full-on promo perversion? And ‘corruption’ c/o Yankee cartoons and censor, this being ‘great again’? All in all, noting the Bible and gotta watch; ‘Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence’. Err on Putin isn’t a ‘them’ through and through. National not Global -ist, as far as poss. Yet, go too far too old days and Russia tips into another kind of terrible. Then we get West-Sodom or them-Gomorrah? Understand hard-liners sit beside him and so he’s mr. moderate compared but hope/should pray, he will manage redeeming restraint. Heard a down-the-liner this morn say; ‘God hasn’t come to make bad men good but dead men alive’. I’d say, talk Jesus/God: Love proceeds all with relationship the answer. And a nation can’t be Christian any more than a C.Church is a building. Russia is a mix. Baby/bathwater.
Above was posted as a comment but for the first time in years, ‘moderated’ and thus far (x2 tries) not up.
Lasha Darkmoon: Putin has just Exposed the Plot To Destroy America. According to Tom Delay, former US House Majority Leader of the US Justice Department, a secret memo has just been discovered discussing the promotion of 12 of the most shocking sexual perversions, including the normalization of bestiality and the legalization of sex with little children, including infants and toddlers of both sexes.
The mind reels at this depravity in high places.
One has to ask oneself: Who are these demons in human form, from the darkest pits of hell, who have managed to gain control over the reins of government?