A comment below wasn't resolving to the correct URL (doing a 404). Plus Peekay Truth link isn't.
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Seems a bit silly to must-write with no sense, what? Previously in this place, I’ve chosen a word and taken on top-search result. Can’t even think of a word?? Blow. This is gonna be a rambling bore.
OK chose the word ‘race’ and searched news, get the dumb and dumber to come, Guard-the-establishment-line and; ‘The . . .
Samantha Richards
Tend not to put long broadcasts up but if you can sit through one. This the one.
Here be: Samantha Richards "We Call Social Services The SS. They Steal & Traffic Our Children. It's Evil".
Kiss goodbye to caring and what’s up in the UK and not listening.
One or two bits, . . .
What? Becomes...
Learned Helplessness, Normalcy Bias, Stockholm Syndrome, Mass Hypnosis and Cognitive Dissonance.
The list Alex J. would regularly rattle out on his ‘radio show’ when I first woke. The shaky ground we wobble along on. More the ish, than intricate details and the contriving of all-our social demise and enslavement. . . .
Tap’s been knocking out the often less mentioned most informative and rightly speculative for many years. One of my daily half dozen. Less ‘comments’ by the once drove of commenters of late but the output rarely sags. Always something and from difficult to mark territory, due to the divergence of directions and . . .
We’re pumped to be cool, calm and collected. “Nothing shocks...”. Damned internet, and media generally, pretends to unfold all so many mysteries has suckered us into a trance. From its DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) beginnings, the intention was and is, to screw-up and slave us. Turn on and tune out. . . .
The religious ones, bound by child sacrifice – abuse and murder – who run what can, with world-like powers, are intent on spreading their ways. Not reflecting our ‘born in the image of God’ but in disregard and necessity to undermine.
Who knows what’s going on with every one of their public puppets but Macron and . . .