Tap’s been knocking out the often less mentioned most informative and rightly speculative for many years. One of my daily half dozen. Less ‘comments’ by the once drove of commenters of late but the output rarely sags. Always something and from difficult to mark territory, due to the divergence of directions and standpoints.
Maybe the sign of a better or best re-post site, is they don't mind posting, the less or more agreeable among themselves or readership.
Here Tapestry himself updates and makes mention of Putin/Russia ‘n all.
The other contender to lead this post would be PCR on Saker on Charlottesville, not surprisingly laying-out in PCR clarity the dynamics at large. (I link the Saker version for the comments/yet to read).
Paul Craig Roberts holds strong – and exemplifies in explaining – that Russia through Putin and supporters, are nationalist first and foremost, a bulwark to what PCR tags, ‘Washington’ expansionism and insanity.
And if you’d to like to experience the cat among the birds on this, consider Brendon O'Connell talking with Nick Spero and the word is – Talpiot. Critics claim overstatement. Brendon goes head down and on, burning bridges with all but those who’ll join his chorus. How, not to make many friends but look for specific comrades.
Losing any alliance with those who don’t respond to this emphasis and re-align the global landscape from Putin vs, to Putin and…
Russian actions in Syria are hard to necessarily square with their cause and call but there’s no doubting the power, as these two bash, bluster and smirk their way through data-rich connections. They come across as alternative voices in an ‘alternative’ wilderness. Table kicking-over with a quite confidence and steely resolve.
Tap’s comment and Summer reading, reminds me of this spanner in the Russia/bulwark position and a most evidently false-flag at St Petersburg in April. Clear motives (not sure) BBB reports and this made for a surprising, come disappointing pause, and “do they have to... join in?”
What’s my thought: We need to talk about Vlad. Must hear the contrary voices and maybe the only way can make heads or tail is keeping-keeping-going toward being wrong.
Want to read an older comment or post I made and see a change, development. If, is what. What is.
Thanks for reading. Scrappy wee one. But the discipline and do. Will do.
Again, best to Gordon and well done NPP and GL.
P.S. Richard Hall and Dr. Nick Kollerstrom is a scorcher.
With Gordon injured, the blog is now down to Tapestry, NPP and a few occasionals such as Gordon Logan. Tapestry is travelling today and may not be able to blog much in the next ten days. I am sure we will all send in posts as we can and when we feel inspired.
Meantime, there are thousands of posts in the back catalogue and an entry in the search box can bring up many posts, if there are any topics that interest you.
My current ‘read’ is watching Chris Everard’s work on Enigma (pay for) TV. I would say the price is well worth it (£28 per annum). I’ve bought one of his books in the past, and found his writing OK but not riveting. His camera work is of another level entirely, really gripping and interesting, with lots of important material. He really goes where no one else has gone! The first two I watched were Murder By The Monarchy, and Lady Die.
While I’m on here recommending other peoples’ work, I cannot recommend highly enough Richard D Hall’s series on Madeleine McCann, findable on his channel www.richplanet.net. That will mesmerise anyone for the ten hours or so that they last for, and rivet you to your chair. You could then wade through some of his other work, on animal mutilations and investigations into alien visitations, if you wish. Very important as a background to other subjects.
I’m taking two books on Russia with me on holiday, one by Alexander Litvinenko, and the other by Anna Politkovskaya, both murdered by pro-Putin agents. I am still leaning to the theory that Putin (possibly dead) has since been replaced with a double, who may be sympathetic to the establishing of a New World Order, possibly with Russia controlling The Middle East, as the US withdraws. I am sure there are no books around (yet) which would flesh out such theories. We’ll need to develop the thinking on here, as usual, and look for clues as we go along.
Let’s hope Gordon makes a full recovery. I haven’t heard any more from his daughter yet.