Samantha Richards
Tend not to put long broadcasts up but if you can sit through one. This the one.
Here be: Samantha Richards "We Call Social Services The SS. They Steal & Traffic Our Children. It's Evil".
Kiss goodbye to caring and what’s up in the UK and not listening.
One or two bits, Richie the interviewer can only respond, by rightly amping onto the importance of this cause. Catching one comment, he says; “We have a cartel operating in this country … inventing new and exotic ways and reasons to steal children from their parents because it’s like the Californian Gold Rush ... there’s billions of pounds to be made”.
Of course, here I'm reckoning; a. writing this might add to the fight b. someone reading this, might themselves, add to the... c. there is a 'fight' to do?
Back to: WHAT MUST I DO?
What to be bothered? Scanning the depleting crowd of truth-about-deceptions tellers on the net, the a. b. c. above has caused many previously engaging, provocative research and deliver-ers to shut shop.
Fair enough there's some double-down and press-on ones, mostly using YouTube, facing head-on the discouragement of the recent wave of censorship, intending to take out all genuine opposition.
Heading the charge against are authoritarian Zionists.
Conclusive exposure of evidence on false-flags and/or hoaxes by 'terrorists' or lone perpetrators, are in the bulls-eye, along with child abuse and murder by elites and government connected institutions.
Richie on "The Campaign Against Antisemitism Are Fascist Bullies. Kevin Myers Should Have Stood Up To Them" is one loud and righteous blast. Aptly nails the historical line in the sand. The time is now. Not has-been and same-as. These are the days of new levels of attempted oppression.
Anti-free-speech terrorism by those who bow along for mainstream or peer-like approval. Too proud to admit the rot the public domain will become if those they consider unpalatable and offensive are buried by the central cease or delete squad.
WE STAND by typing, chattering about, complaining where-can to who-can and so on -or- we sink into digital obscurity. Called by George O. the 'memory hole'.
There's nothing as conspicuous as restriction of speech. We have weeks and months not years, to shake up out the give-up slumber.
All it takes to shatter some darkness is concentrated output. Will YOU reading this, get this story and pass 'n push it around y'mates? Or those who must have it forced onto their screens and inboxes.
See what. Three people reading this do that. Three plus three plus three... this the maths.
Public internet, if dare to use FB or Twit...and let Samantha know c/o those platforms.
Samantha Jane Richards on Facebook and @warriornan28815
What does Sam want: MORE PEOPLE TO SPEAK UP.
The W H A T to do? Do THIS. Write her and say y'CARE. and "please keep me posted. Anyone in my area needs someone else on the streets to join their protest etc etc"
I cannot state too strongly, how this woman and family's story, lifts the lid on the most monstrous, contemporary crime epidemic. One that sits at the heart of what’s wrong with the sickness inside so-called social care, judiciary and law enforcement.
And this is the line. Here be the stand or fall. Allow this to carry on and we will bring down everything else around us. Socially civility and recourse to any reasonable level of just legality.
Convinced the wicked scammers taunt us knowing our ineptitude and mock with,"well y'don't care so we can and do, get away with it...". All the way to bank, hatred and nihilistic kicks.
The perpetrators presume, too little, and from too few.
Upset or angry? Which or what?
We can't fight every battle but reckon this the one. Forced adoptions and barely measured risks or concerns and the suspected overseas trafficking of babies and children is a card-house tumbler.
And must say Richie Allen has the most edge and widest diversity with about the largest reach of any broadcaster. He's taken the stand to get assertive and rightly get a pot and spoon and walk about the town square hollering and making a crashing noise.
Mainstream radio must cower at his sound. Likely fear to hear.
Named and shamed them and wants truth and justice.
Thank God for Richie, team and supporters.
Dear Cardiff Council,
How many children have been removed from birth and families since August 2015-July 2017, where they were at risk for future harm,or possible risk of future harm.
How many children have sustained injuries while under the local authorities care. Those who needed medical treatment and those who didn't please.
How many parents have not been notified of any of the hearings/proceedings in the family courts.
How long do it normally take for the local authorities to answer complaints and assist in requests for SAR files and being denied while having PR.
How many children have been placed by the local authorities with potential adopters without consent of the appointed guardian and notifying the parents.
How many complaints yet still to be answer from 2016 by managers/assistant director and director of social services in Cardiff.
How many social workers have been suspended/struck of or investigated by my care wales for putting children in danger and not doing there appointed jobs which were hired to do.
How many agency staff on 6 months temporary basis has the local authorities has hired from 2015-2017
How many people in the local authorities contacts the cabinet members/housing department for information on families.
How many fathers has been denied going on a children's birth certificate and denied SAR files.
How many parents were offered support,outside agencies to help keep children with a parent or family members
How many newborn babies have been taken from birth and transferred to another hospital without notifying the parents,before any court orders were in place.
How many reports to the police have been reported And acted upon when social services were alerted to a child at risk in foster care placement.
How many would there be attending on 1 family case eg social worker/workers/trainee/care workers
How many children removed on possible future emotional harm
Possible sexual abuse
Possible physical abuse
Possible mental abuse from birth/families.
How many of these parents didn't have a criminal record/no drug history/no alcohol history and didn't smoke
How many siblings have been split up in foster care placement/adoption from newborn babies onwards.
When parents pay the fees for the SAR files and evidence of the complaints how many were denied this and no refund given or any explanation.
How many complaints couldn't be investigated while in the family court arenas and was the ICO informed of these complaints.
How many cases where children have been removed has the local authorities corresponded with MPs and clients solicitors.
How many parents weren't properly represented in the court proceedings taken by the local authorities.
How many times have the local authorities submitted a report refusing for witnesses to attend the hearings
How many times have the local authorities been contacted by police to amend records/statements to say they were wrong and not to be produced at the family courts and was the errors/mistakes ever amended.
How long do it take the local authorities to get a DNA test done in urgent matters when asked by the family courts.
I would be great full if you could please provide the above information thank you very much.
Yours faithfully,
Samantha Richards