The religious ones, bound by child sacrifice – abuse and murder – who run what can, with world-like powers, are intent on spreading their ways. Not reflecting our ‘born in the image of God’ but in disregard and necessity to undermine.
Who knows what’s going on with every one of their public puppets but Macron and misses personal history gets some treatment and the comments below the Saker article make for revealing debate.
Yesterday wrote a few words which I stopped out of unease I’d exceeded my short time-allowance and generally sounded all too much trying and wanna be clever trevor.
Included here without edit and cut-off mid-sentance.
Said I would – write/daily/ish + God willing – and so I goes.
All in a quick dash… perhaps I’ll find something to say that might matter. To me, at least. Back on the blog. Gimmie shelter. Spit whatever comes and be about my Father’s business, m’aim.
Macron, Ike Turner and the psychology of marrying your alleged rapist by Ramin Mazaheri
It seems as if America’s media spends far more time speculating about Donald’s Trump’s psychological issues than discussing anything which could actually help the average household be able to afford a new car, which a new study reveals the average family can no longer do.
(FYI: I bought my used car entirely with 1- and 2-euro coins I saved up over 6 years, so that should tell you how great my car is and what I can afford….)
Based on what I see on Facebook, the average American Democrat has popped off about Trump’s psychological issues with enough virulence that a single libel attorney could buy a fleet of Ferraris, were libel prosecutions to increase.
So why should I be prevented from compassionately speculating about Emmanuel Macron’s possible psychological issues?
Well, I am really not that interested in them. I am a professional journalist, and not one who works for Paris Match, People magazine or Closer magazine. What interests me is not Macron’s personality but the social consequences of his policies.
And Sunday's half-attempt:
Go Light
One decade, some time ago, Adbusters was my answer to what I was about. Right on aesthetics and provocative mix of shake-up thinking and re-appraise in the better humanities. Dumped when it read tired and awoke to realising they kept avoiding, those ‘other questions’. Concluding as they did, Capital 2.0 the answer with appeal to lefties and anarchos. D’neo-hip-e black, red and long-haired brigade. All blind and blunt into mainstream kick out the 1% (not the hands-behind and .0001%). For action: smash so-supposed ‘fascists’ – whom some maybe are – but all a bit everything not “us” is them.
Look-wise: festy goers vs biker types. Believers in the Left Right paradigm.
Recently I’ve been sitting in a beautiful baker/cafe reading their helpfully displayed Adbusters. Must declare – tis full of enlightening inspire. Know that behind the stunning ‘subvertising’ and zippy reads, the thesis and publishers, contribute to unproductive troubles and controlled opp. In bed with bedevils. Rallying street fighting. No-platform-ers who “dare not call it...”
No. Never. The con/spiracies.
Now we’ve an alt.right who pretend about the phony fake shows and don’t push-push-push about industrial-factory elite child abuse and murder, manipulate bosses and ritual. Zionist and Islam-centric.
The other side of the street are no-borders, kill Trump and all but wealth redistributors. Marx our friend and CO2 The enemy.
The other other side
Perhaps censorship will stir those in the know? To what end though?
The few insisting on facing the evidence of the crimes of empire with intentions and actions, contributing to internet-based exposure and criminal justice are understandably ragged. Take-up is slow and resistance resilient. This the battle: “Who cares?” proceeding, “and to achieve what, in the face of…” etc etc.
YouTube blares out alleged and confirmed dire deceptions. What should shock us out our seats. But no growing wave of visible outrage and join the ranks. This past month or three, thought our-Tube is becoming there Tube. All but innocuous, unable to earn if they were (through allowing ads) and anything truth-telling, call the master of war out – is in line for or already, dumped. Switched off.
The Internet is closing down. Which considering the relatively low-numbers looking at the ‘outrage’, you’d think they’d leave as-is and allow the demoralization to marinate in the open. It’s all there for our interface