Until It Bleeds Daylight
Lies Can Lead To War writes PCR, pushing through potential motives to land on the ever-reliant; ...power and profit of the military/security complex.
UK Govt. via backers come slave owners are intent on hyping these poisonings up to the hills. To and for what? A carry on that not only looks to be a false-flag but in the . . .
Nick Spero
Nick died. Shocking and sad. A likeable listen, who held a wry smile in his persistent exposure for better info and justice. On a severe dial-out from the oceans of chit-chat, Nick stood out. For me, a key is in somehow projecting encouragement to talk-truth in public. Not easy to define what does this and why. Expect he was open . . .
Russian plane crash in Syria and the killing of an ex-double-agent and his daughter. What next? Take the obvious out the equation, from any honesty and looking back. Here comes... BBC News; No one yet is . . .
What Is?
Search 'Truther' on 'news'. Get The Week. 'What are ‘false flags’ and ‘crisis actors’?
First ten; 'Conspiracy theories have long captured the imaginations of people . . .
Sound Of The Trumpet
There's a haunting consideration by Stanley Kubrick on Dr Strangelove. Would national bosses prefer global oblivion to facing their own lone demise? The exposure of their trans-humanity religion manifests in blackmailing political leaders over this. As the banker bail-back-in's ten years ago make clear. Threats remain.
. . .The Extent
Not-unusual feeling uneasy about a post, in this instance, the last one.
A bit too giddy over Jordan. Not to take away from what he said and the dynamics of the interview. An emotional response from a fan. Me.
BUT in more honest and insightful light. Man is half and half. Much like the rest of the . . .