Russian plane crash in Syria and the killing of an ex-double-agent and his daughter. What next? Take the obvious out the equation, from any honesty and looking back. Here comes... BBC News; No one yet is confirming Russia is involved.
To help this along, on trots a diplomat-like commentator. Blaring that we know; 'Russia has been up to all sorts'. For-Ever. Of course, Russia, aka Putin, hadn't figured we'd suss eh. This has-been ex-spy worth a hit. Because..? Russia taking-over and testing UK resolve. Silly me. Plus, he and all like ex-traitors must be sent the message. Which is..?
Wave their menacing flag over. Could never be any double-treble-cross doing. Mr. Trot-out bound to say, never be 'our sorts', because 'we play cricket'. Man standing stately, informed-sounding and not too posh.
Questions are never raised. Would seem rude, disloyal, offensive and treacherous. Not in our nature we like to think. Brit audience, warmed we play tough but not malicious like those hard-boiled Commies.
Here's some history no one jacking-up on mainstream wants to hear.
Gotta guess it's a UK for-political opp. Followed by; all-together helping US admin. Or, one step beyond and all together-now with the Kremlin. As for Putin making uncharacteristic moves in face of the recent speech. Unless, being so shrewd, to make look a UK-pulled falsy but... if so, for whose gain?
All that benefits, are those seeming up for tension, arms sales and edge toward escalation. On face value, this ain't the Reds.
UK/US etc live in the USSR of old. They knew all about being proper-gander-ized and yes, less so, but goes on today. We've got the masses saying they believe the corrupt and deceitful run much -- but the BBC? Talking here and the look-clever and got-educated types. If asked, would shrug "no". Those who look as if they could work for said-Beeb -- believe in like-types. The ever-shrinking few who care -- at all. Or say do.
To claim the Press are full-on complicit? Where the lines begin getting drawn. Somehow holding back media-professionals would go so-along with. Somewhat and so far but to suggest they speak knowing fake-full and in utter deceit? That A isn't B. Goes way beyond spin. Not this far is the asleep-assessment.
Same goes for MI6/5 and the rest, informing and investigations. The Police and so on. Here and there some bad-uns supposed but seem to lack the reason. To be that big-time deceptive?
Takes that uncomfortable, don't want-to-have, awakening.
"Russia"... a mystery what's what but if the mere mention turns to 'Nazis in the making' the mind-control solid. As with the all-lacking claims about Assad and chem. weapons attacks -- we're told 'conclusive'. A lie on made-up evidence? Nothing but pretend. Somehow thinking goes, no one intends to repeat the WMD disaster. Lesson's learned.
In Law, motive plays a secondary role to primary evidence. This assuming its gathering is honest. One criterion for this is impartiality. Below and 'might be interested' is 'Pickled'. Follow the Lionel link as he bangs at and squeezes till it bleeds. On the example he's on about, it's right to keep the who and why, away from the what happened.
Here the Putin-killer claim is the issue. Political bias to see this stick is rampant. So we have to ask -- why? Instead, projecting forth is trust and obey, the public-supposed, broadcasting company. To convince in positioning as an honest broker.
If the Middle East blows up because of this and other Russian-catalysts? BBC and like are the equally responsible bodies for these calamities. Following orders..? At what stage does someone resign. Watch to see this. Those jumping ship. May not speak-out but get out.
While March is a common month for wars. Read Jewish and their Purim celebration a suggested link. Somewhat discredited c/o comments on The Saker. From an alternative-type Jewish site, written in what seems, 2003. Purim early and gone, this year, but 'the Ides...' are a-coming.
Speculation -- assuming nout until -- on the March For Our Lives rally, March 24th. This might be too obvious for a f.f. and too crowded. Although feels there's a new momentum. Especially and need for some nationalist woes. Their latest purge from social media is astounding.
Off for a tech-needs break for a few days so thought to post.
Get my thinking-out-loud rocks off. Only Tap on my wee radar speaking out so far.
Need a quote from the graphic. Go for JFK, who ever-debunk the conspiracies, say this speech all about the Communist threat and Bay of Pigs etc. Think not/me. With its wider, dual 'corridors of power' reference.
Any ways, tap to protest. To the 'birds of the air' and in faith we have the measure and means.
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