Sound Of The Trumpet
There's a haunting consideration by Stanley Kubrick on Dr Strangelove. Would national bosses prefer global oblivion to facing their own lone demise? The exposure of their trans-humanity religion manifests in blackmailing political leaders over this. As the banker bail-back-in's ten years ago make clear. Threats remain.
This and phoney-terrorism in a respective state. On a one on one; child-based sex abuse crimes. Or, various other, do -or- get nobbled. Once hush-hush 'rogue elements of secret services' perpetrators. Recent revelations in the States, show this lot, appear to run the show. The Presstitute facade that presents-otherwise have increasing 'off-limits'.
Philip M. Giraldi (c/o PCR) writes; There is a growing consensus among many observers in Washington that the national security agencies have become completely politicized over the past seventeen years and are now pursuing selfish agendas that actually endanger what remains of American democracy. Up until recently it has been habitual to refer to such activity as the Deep State, which is perhaps equivalent to the Establishment in that it includes financial services, the media, major foundations and constituencies, as well as lobbying groups, but we are now witnessing an evolutionary process in which the national security regime is exercising power independently.
Shadow or secret governing and rogue is gaining wider-public attention. Now these 'parts of the alphabet services' have taken-over the Govt. bit. Some and some, suppose. With news leaking out to the unacquainted. What will be the response?
"Oh well" -- top pick.
Do we want tougher slavery or abject poverty for the sheep? Or how about... the end. Bunker-hiding re-emergence aside. Elite resurrection.
Wonder if my own persistent failures lead me to want there to be a degree of faster social collapse. Jesus talks about a voluntary emptying of all that we have, so that all that God can be, our all...
Is wanting down for up and wider-society perverse? When seems all but haters would like to see what moderate civility gained remain. For as long as. Many with visions of a cyclical improvement.
My problem is the trajectory is dark. We need light, know-it or not. Some level of shake-up decline might be best -- or our only wake-up and productive.
Parabolic me. Personal loss upon lose and fail-to makes for less psychological and situational cost. Suffer and tough in dealing with lights out cold and hunger but somehow herein is hope. Revival might not tarry.
The eschatology that makes open-sense is 'weeping at night comes joy in the morning'. See no hope for a turnaround otherwise. Masses and without noticeable exception -- minus hundreds and thousands online -- resist.
The first line getting 'that' concerned are those craving national identity. Ethnic separation. Not that-awake because the urgency is missing with talk in decades. And false/hoax flags fool, or deny this, serves to focus blame on Islamic believers. Think Isis comes out of the Koran. Etc.
This morning and PCR passing on reports that Merkel’s Germany Falls Back Into Nazism is unsurprising... news.
Germany's new law requires social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, to censor their users on behalf of the government. Social media companies are obliged to delete or block any online "criminal offenses" within 24 hours of receipt of a user complaint -- regardless of whether the content is accurate or not. Writes Judith Bergman.
This was supposed to be for Plant a Seed. Most of it. Why waste. Why not. Why care if reads good enough-ish?
We are all we got. But God. More us... and God.