Until It Bleeds Daylight
Lies Can Lead To War writes PCR, pushing through potential motives to land on the ever-reliant; ...power and profit of the military/security complex.
UK Govt. via backers come slave owners are intent on hyping these poisonings up to the hills. To and for what? A carry on that not only looks to be a false-flag but in the increasing self-disclosing direction.
Don't doubt many motives but the bytes are buzzing at HQ. Those wavering and converse doubts, data-mined and analysed. The specific reaction, the interest. Not so concerned about an awakening, more pushing to see, how far and who will shake off the shackles?
Every digital action monitored. Start with this certainty. Move out from there. Not gate-keeping but full-on god-like aspirations. The experimentation is the purpose. For now. War and economic collapse or, collapse and... -- on the other hard drive. We're here to be religious-ways moved.
The need we confess revealed as a merit for these lost -- and to-be-destroyed -- destroyer's. The story-lines display this desire. Made to look sloppy but serves to portray accidental integrity. Double bluff and slight of hand. Wind-up the sussed about the sleepers. Wake-up people to send them back into the trance.
The Saker does the triage for reading patients. Paul Craig introduces thus; ...explains the complete collapse of Western civilization. It is without question that the Western World is on its way out. The only question is whether the West will take the rest of the world with it. “An Empire built (and maintained) on lies, accepted on the basis of ignorance, justified by hypocrisy and energized by hysterics. This is what the “Western world” stands for.”
We find it hard to believe the clever and look good would lie so. For what? Money, perverse kicks, believe some presented-to-means, justifies... Or, signed-up NWO phase 2 religious ideologues. Drugged and dazed -- this too?
Don't all know why. But must be thousands upon... that do. Crisis and acting.
As said; pricking a limb to see if the anaesthetic is holding. Sophisticated linking and the nuances of media received and results. They can and -- ought better to believe -- will... be beaten. On this, go get off and do what can/must practically but when can... do what's best.
To those who speak out. Bruce Cockburn has it as; Got to kick at the darkness 'til it bleeds daylight.
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