The Outrageous Silence
Interrupted writing on censorship and signposting hot reads in The Unz Review. The humility and honesty, not least, from Ron (Unz) himself. Got going with:
'It's difficult to suggest how breaks and any pull-back from . . .
What A Difference Donald Makes?
Nout the despair like witnessing mainstream political dissent. The young-ish and let's be angry. Loud and proud, coming out for the ubiquitous 'protest'.
Makes no-sense half of . . .
I Think The Puppet On The Right...
Done 'Brexit' before. My profound shake-up came soon after an early-hours posting, watching and hearing Boris. His first comment and should be 'oh glorious victory...' somewhat later than expected on the morning after the referendum. As I recall, a pensive look, while all that stuck out was the "no need to . . .
Crimes Of International Mockery
Let's go, Russia did it x2. A binational wind-up upon the lemmings. Respective, ruling puppet squads, teleconferencing at night over vodkas and what-have-you. Havin' a laugh. Or, Russia at it and leaving litter to goad the MPs and their News stars. All a-jumping on a bizarre trip, stumbling over themselves to excel in . . .
Matrix Reinforcement Day
'I can hear them calling way from Oregon...' sings Van. The song, Independence Day, slow-riding slaps and plucking. Yearnings to be out among hippy-happy-ville. The mix and smiling madness of heady times. Celebration and what seemed set. A world believing fixed into its hip new progression. Nowadays, sure ain't no 1972. . . .
Trial By Error
Behind somewhat of an appearance otherwise, have Putin and co. got new/old commie-like ideals -- in bed with Israel, Iran and China -- the intention to smash the States and takeover? It's the alternative-alternative thesis. See 'Talpiot and Unit 8200'. Signs and evidence show one thing, then another.
Regardless . . .
Via TV etc.
There's an argument for 'no borders' but it's not mainstream. Goes with anarcho social orders. Or, a Marx-led breakdown, the build-up out the ashes bringing supposed benevolent authoritarianism. Once that is, the Left has entered into a fight to the death in the semifinals against Anarchists. Finals, and who mops up . . .