Matrix Reinforcement Day
'I can hear them calling way from Oregon...' sings Van. The song, Independence Day, slow-riding slaps and plucking. Yearnings to be out among hippy-happy-ville. The mix and smiling madness of heady times. Celebration and what seemed set. A world believing fixed into its hip new progression. Nowadays, sure ain't no 1972. Got to be finally, full-on and bygone?
Then, only Vietnam was nagging and nasty. A decade or so later, the con and scam in HIV causing Aids, needs AZT etc. Signified the end of the free and easy. At least cultural and social-wise. The atmosphere and the streets, less gentrified San Fran. NYC and in-between. All shifted by '85.
An Uncle Ben's jerk chicken and peas with the boys' advert proceeds the Independence Day YT clip. Presume, carry on and keep up the good times. Outside the barbecue and isolated happenings, we know deep or upfront, 'something is rotten in the state of...'.
Fast losing any, 'I can hear the fireworks' independent living. Recoverable? Revive or renewed? Pop. term of the day is 'reset'. Sounds neat, efficient, swift and onto the needing new. Re-boot?
How about a crash and dollar-gone changes all into a locked up and locked in techno zoo? And how about; The Fourth of July is a performance to reinforce The Matrix in which Americans live.
On war with machines and dying soldiers, Smedley Butler says; But there is a way to stop it....
Paul Craig Roberts ends his overview with; If there could be a second American revolution, maybe we could try again.
Maybe and could? What 'might' this take? Or, is it all about hang-on best-can and resist an inevitable irrecoverable decline?
The obvious equation begins with current levels of lacking awareness/care. Divided by encroaching oppression equals..? While 'ain't '72. The mind-control and mass cognitive dissonance is a thick sedating fog. Substitutes in looking-free as we waddle on into an ever-constricting gulag.
Been long enough with this today. Bored off concluding. All me sayin': Answers come questions for action is where the weight's at. Not staring on and on at the monster behind main street garb. Knowing the plentiful lies are for our consumption, beyond pragmatic outcomes. If they want to take the world to war, little or no pretext is necessary. Not all this endless re-hashing and repeating easy see-through crap. Poured on, in some diabolical ritual. A scapegoat and sacrifice to an 'unknown god'.
There are mysteries, not least, how so many take part in Manhattan Project type cover-ups? Honest assessments lend towards reasonable signs of unseen manoeuvrings. The deceiving kind and Bible-believing stuff about opposing-God entities. How else explain?
What and second chances? First, we need enough shock to see a save it or lose it response. Nothing else, appears, will suffice. Then comes what? Solutions? Non-faith-based ones? What?
The younger-ish don't care. Not in these parts, and looks that way all over. In places of wider poverty, it becomes understandable and survival-mode.
Dash of a post but here for/me to process.
What do we do? Express our alarm and as for me...