Trial By Error
Behind somewhat of an appearance otherwise, have Putin and co. got new/old commie-like ideals -- in bed with Israel, Iran and China -- the intention to smash the States and takeover? It's the alternative-alternative thesis. See 'Talpiot and Unit 8200'. Signs and evidence show one thing, then another.
Regardless and a presentation in contrast to UK and US top politico dogs, this interview with Lavrov, is... something else. It's different. The pitch, tone, reasoning. Rather than gag at a fake and D-grade act, the man sounds and presents... well, like a man.
As for Cathy Newman? What daft and predictable questions. All front no sense.
First. Less than 10k hits on C4's YT?
Her interview with Jordan P had, 'within 72 hours, (the video) gained over 1.6 million views'. And get this, '37,800 comments'. The Lavrov one's been up 21 hours. There are 312 comments.
There's a single camera on Lavrov version here. Seen this but will do the C4, cut to Cathy, one. Tap out thoughts on a quick go. (+ do some jump-about-exercises -- ...enough information for you?)
'Has it arrived?' she asks, this 'post-west world order'? He: 'it's here'. Me: it's neither. One revelation out the bag involves banking-elite families sitting above with trans-national influence. There are a fog and details but Govt' Russia, US and the UK -- for example -- are less the 'independent powers' they claim. This isn't controversial. It's about pretend-not. Never say on TV etc. While any who care... hope not? The China, Russia and US-led blocks are in control, until/when. Up to -- and then in steps these 'interests'.
Not that this could, or would, spill out in the mainstream. All there through leaks and shown in hints and shadows. But spill a-coming. There's no doubt the captors want and need the captives to know the chains and their control.
False/hoax-flags and child abuse/sacrifice. A cursory but honest gawp at these two main planks and rituals of the dreadful few spells this out. A purposeful criminal self-disclosure. Way more contrived and considered than a wind-up. Sure, tests resolve and protests, tabs on levels of sheeping but it's done for its intrinsic 'power'. (Typical Truthscoop talk and reminder to dig on).
Suppose m'thought is: Wouldn't it be good if Sergey Lavrov was right. True and more thorough the case, through and through. The marauding 'West' giving up dominance for a uni-something?
A short splash here/this. Want to get on to other endeavours but in a new freed-up Truthscoop hope. Make a post/forget the rest
One final ting. The last bizarre, 'Donald weeing on Prozzie' question. In a 'hotel room'. How very clever sound-stupid. EVERYTHING, everyone does and has for yonks gets canned. By who knows which national spook-lot but the rogues for the cabal of the main crim. crowd. They got it all. Donald warned about this since he was a nipper, knows they have 'stuff' on one and all. Including him. Does he care? Would he embark on this 'job' if he knows it matters or it's that incriminating? Yes, he was in with the 'crowd' who control and likely owes. No, it's all about. Like the alt.alt. thesis, it shows both sides. Having said that, the wars and suffering since he took the throne have gone up, not -- his promised -- down.
Trial by error and facts speak loudest.
And for the record; The Two Superpowers: Who Really Controls the Two Countries? As bright and alt.-alt.-alt. a consideration we have.