What A Difference Donald Makes?
Nout the despair like witnessing mainstream political dissent. The young-ish and let's be angry. Loud and proud, coming out for the ubiquitous 'protest'.
Makes no-sense half of what they say? All in all is full-on Establishment Inc. to the heights of fantasy and foolishness.
Spun for the 99% and not close to interested in joining some March against Trump. Validated and on for a wind-up, by likes of TV News. Who delight in coming over as the 'people's voice'. Faithful and fake-alternative in sharing on a could-be, edgy march, against bombastic Trump.
An innocuous puppet-punching charade, reinforcing in its manifesting of madness the actual problem. Dividing, conquering, miss-hitting deflection fest. Proper pathetic stuff. Say again -- Despairing Tosh. Suppose it's what we need to see: The extent of the ignorance.
Get the Pro. Leftie commentators need to come across with gusto at the uprise but ordinary folk? What Are -- They Doing? Is this about showing solidarity to those-told offended by Trump's talking? Somehow translating into different policies from previous seen-as chosen by populations' Leaders. The ones who seem forgotten who did what and assumed otherwise acted?
I know... the last one was black and liked rap music. Big-time rappers liked him. That'll do. This one? Errrr.... white, rich and sexist-sounding. Add racist because is US-selfish. Everyone's horrible-dad image and the one who ain't... er, back to being black and with a cool twist.
Title Pride and Prejudice is always coming to mind these days. Two words describing most for what passes for political perspective.
Protesting Trump, oh yeah, Big Up and others to replace this gaudy chump. All we need is who? Doing what? Got Corbyn, who has to take the mic at Trafalgar Square for a 'we need bridges not walls' talk. Is this supposed to strengthen his vote count? Rally some door-knockers come the election? Not only, whole shebang vain posturing but a blundering counter-intuitive confusing about Socialism spectacle.
None seem to see; Trump and swamp-gang -- plus our own T. May version -- are wallowing in the pleasure at gaining the fuss. Their only disappointments are the essential wide-angle shots and dubious reported numbers. Obscuring what screams: Apathy.
To think/to think it matters? Including the empathetic do a supposed-to cheer on from the sofas at home. When all deeper than The Sun to The Guardian levels of analysis, floods us with evidence to show it doesn't. Mean Beans.
Compare to yelling, beer throwing -- go to crying, on-the-night fanatics for footie mass?
Try to be a crowd of the concerned like this and marching is showtime for the Lords and Ladies? IF the mainstream press. which is the proxy Govt. Min. of Truth are into/you/this -- and 'them'? Says what?
Managed in one: Tea with Queen following mini-Festivals booing the latest King. All positive eh? Democracy at work.
There's one beguiling countering Trump is only all and more the same. The appearance of genuine opposition from every outlet, bar those who half-arse act otherwise.
Watched this and do smile. Not 'into' Trump myself but... is this signs of what? Treble-bluffing? Could be? Yet, there's no question and All... ALL... the others were scamming for bankers etc.
In fact, the Left and likes of say, a Tony Benn etc, are most notorious and nearest in seeming to not follow the script.
Now on the quote that epitomises the trouble. Says all that's required to display stereophonic; children with their rattles and dummies.
'Disparate groups' coming together eh? ITV interviewed Darren McGarvey. Offstage after dropping some lyrical bombs for the anti-Trump troops. Captures everything that is blind in backing the system, presumably wanting to 'overturn'.
While quote after quote from intelligent reasonable-looking people, all talking silly. Nothing close to an incisive and well-presented anti-Imperialist critique. Instead, it's people peeved at a figurehead, not the real boss. Franchise owner/if that.
A few years back went to the outside Nos. 10 for the time and vote over sending in the Parliament sanctioned war-machine into Syria. About 100 people there. Realised then, more than ever, the public is so political-wise sick-of it.
Have lots of long-standing up-front and personal experience mixing with serious sounding Lefties. Always get nagged by their over-tendency to enjoy the conquest. Party must be had. That something is always lacking in not digging deep enough and the roots of the reality. Somehow a respect for the system supposed as the chains. Hard to explain but not the deeper anger and real pain. An exception might show-up about Palestine and other overseas sufferings. As for the UK:
"Down with Thatcher" revisited. Again and again and...
My last few years enlightenment brought repair from these ridiculous illusions. The top answers from lefties are "might as well give up then..." and/or, "anyway, climate's gonna kill us all".
To the new wave-ish and believers on the Right. Discarded from pop-music type culture, don't muster the vital crusty credibility. Yet, their more recent alt. assent, draws the backlash brigade for a scrap and their own get-together's. They carry their own bunkum baggage. Once some helpful bits are heard the social-ordering is more traps and can't swallow lack of realism.
Lefties are still the hip herd, those believing are standing for the poor and disenfranchised. Hopeful beneficiaries themselves and in more classic terms 'poor' are lurching Right. To express immigration woes.
Coke or Pepsi? A dark, sweet and sticky liquid is what remains. What a mess. Two teams, yet nothing for me.
'Voting would be illegal if it mattered' is unnecessary. Voting is the problem. Never brings sufficient collective responsibility by its very dynamic placing the emphasis on a no-contest showdown to the 'same old...'. Best can do is debate and this getting censored off and oblivion unless/if...
Making voting illegal is an honest dictatorship. Not better but we are more fooled by our unintended consent. Answer? Dunno. Except 1. Wake up to what is not believable and what two-clicks on this machine demonstrates why not.
What a difference (a) Donald makes? Twenty-four little hours...
I'm just sorta quietly pining for the nostalgia of someone like George W Bush. I mean that's the situation we're in, ya thinking, you know what, actually, Dick Cheney wasn't really that bad. I think it was good to see disparate groups setting their differences aside, to send a clear message to say a guy like this, can't be tolerated...
Author and rapper Darren McGarvey on ITV News at Ten on the day Donald came...