Shall We Have A Look In The Till?
No comment. I have some things on how this isn't God's doing but not here/not now.
Richard Dawkins Disinvited from Skeptics’ Conference
Yes, you did read that.
They're not so sceptical about silencing debate when it comes to the 'highly offensive'. If Richard had said or written the substance of this silly, tame and juvenile video he re-tweeted. Would he still be banned, or was it . . .
Ancient Worlds of Wonder
Honest Joe Rogan keeping the lights on. Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson taking us back to a world of wonders and mysteries.
Nate on Wonder and Mystery
Con Art
Watson’s getting angry-er. This burst has much bold and (b)right to say about the theme but - tis all about examples (of arts and ?). Those chose, sometimes has me pause. Most e.g.’s without and/much question - assuming overall agreement - but others used, have more to say than nihili-junk. But I'm in 'that' mood.
. . .Bable on
When Mt. Vesuvius blew, no one knew when it would happen or how big the eruption would be. Everyone knew a volcanic event was going to occur and yet, the magnitude of the event caught a lot of people by surprise. The eruption destroyed two Roman cities and several surrounding settlements. It killed an estimated 16,000 people. The . . .
Racism and Social Media
Phil Schneider writes in ChurchMag; Most of the time, when I sit down to write, I have a good idea of where I’m going and how I’m going to get there.
This is not one of those times.
What I’m about to do is both dangerous and difficult: I’m going to talk about race...
My overly-quick . . .