Flight 804
Crimes of Emipire's The Disappearance of Egypt Air Flight 804 on Crimes of Empire
And on Tap commented:
What’s happening? (Not on Tap but there and abouts). I thought we recognised that false-flags have been evidenced in virtually all . . .
AV7 Review
James Gordon Graham - And - Tax Havens ... and the Secret Knowledge of the Ruling Parasites
Holly Page - Neuro-Active Food
Anthony Carlin - Never Book a Judge by his Cover!
Vanessa Beeley - NGO's : Humanitarians ... or Executioners?
Dr Graham Downing 1 - The Null Hypothesis
Best Can Do
September 11th 2001 the Crime that Will End the Empire
The truth about these events is neither comfortable nor palatable. However, until these atrocities are properly investigated, and the authors of the crimes sanctioned the West will remain a doomed and wounded civilisation being steered from one useless and futile war of . . .
Darkmoon Down ?
... and out?
Hopey not.
Last comment a reply:
Years of first-hand appreciation of US diversity. Years ago. Spectacular and remarkable, diverse and solidarity times. Can't say how now-so, not living there but stars and stripes born-deep, so presume much still . . .
Fourth Estate
Commented on Henningsen on White House Press Dinner: ‘The Fourth Estate is Nonexistent in America’
Do listen up.
Fourth Estate eh? Rub them noses. We need the rant, the let-out and lay it on 'em.
Naturally angry. Be wrong not to. News is the 'news' – This: They're pushing and exposing themselves . . .