Flight 804
Crimes of Emipire's The Disappearance of Egypt Air Flight 804 on Crimes of Empire
And on Tap commented:
What’s happening? (Not on Tap but there and abouts). I thought we recognised that false-flags have been evidenced in virtually all western terrorist attacks? Planes coming out of the sky? Not so easy – but Brussels, Paris..? Which of these are caused by ‘jihadist cells’, the actions of Muslim idealists, without direct western security service involvement? The elite who want disruption at all costs, ‘blaming Islam’ – if not accurate – is one convenient patsy. Muslims I meet are far from up for up ‘terrorism’. Who wants trouble? I get a ‘hungry man is an angry man’ but suspicious who’s doing what? Whatever the immigration issues and the intent to break-up nations, is it likely someone is motivated to blow-up people in Europe etc? In the middle-east etc yes, so what, haven’t they got enough fight there? What’s the purpose in certain lands or with planes? To achieve what?
I haven’t experienced Londoners on some violent Jihad. Muslims I’ve known and still meet (although less frequent), talk-awake more than average and only want to live in peace.
Unlikely I’ll travel into more densely populated areas i.e. cities. Can’t work out if I’m hearing truths never seen for decades, living in the inner-city and claims, particularly this last few months, of people experiencing antagonism and hostility? That’s inner-city on a bad day but never more-so Muslims.