Best Can Do
September 11th 2001 the Crime that Will End the Empire
The truth about these events is neither comfortable nor palatable. However, until these atrocities are properly investigated, and the authors of the crimes sanctioned the West will remain a doomed and wounded civilisation being steered from one useless and futile war of choice to the next on the back of lies, manufactured threats and false flag terrorism. The Western world has no chance to live in freedom until these lies are completely exposed. It’s that simple. Freedom for Westerners and the 911 lie cannot possibly co-exist. That’s to say nothing of the incipient Police State that is still being erected on the back of the fear and loathing generated by these events right across the Western world.. Literally millions of human beings have faced sudden violent death in the Wars propagated on the back of these hideous and grotesque lies along with the thousands murdered in the event itself. I do not expect or hope that anyone would take my word regarding any of these events, I hope to provoke people to check the facts for themselves and discover the inescapable fact that the September 11th attacks were entirely conceived and conducted by Westerners. The version of events that has been promoted by the Western political leadership and media bears almost no resemblance to the facts. We are not talking about a “couple of anomalies” but instead completely blatant and obvious mega-lies... MORE