Empty Floor
Pastor Joe Fox fixes us into ‘living now for then’. Texas Shrugged explores ‘how fake it all is’ and will bust one day but… oh how they can keep the bubbles and balloons going.
A normality, media soaked and canned applause. No contrasts; no fun-fun-fun – and some sober appraisal but extreme denial, a conspiracy . . .
Thought For the Day – Let's Save the World!
We sometimes have to remind ourselves to take a break from doom and gloom and to seek out the optimists and the positive solutions. Someone who fits that criteria most of the time is blogger, activist and all-round Good Egg, Katie Griggs: and she has compiled ten simple ways that we can better protect the environment and . . .
Myanmar Abandons Freedom of Speech
In what seems to be rapidly becoming the norm in multiple countries, Myanmar (under the de factor leadership of Nobel Prize winning 'freedom' icon Aung San Suu Kyi), is reported to be using its 'Telecommunications Law' to imprison dissidents, violate human rights and suppress any criticism of the military . . .
Trey Up
Not looked at where Trey Gowdy is at, know much about him, aside the regular inclusion of clips of his congressional grillings on the admirable You Tube channel 1791L. Channel description; ‘In the spirit of full disclosure: libertarian right wing lean. Founded in California, forging in the US.’ Assume this is where Trey is . . .
A Why and Racism
One diabolical driver of racial problems is being publicly told exists when doesn’t, or conversely, civil society not addressing problems when they do.
Extremes, rather than middle-ground dialogue is the profiled public discourse. Pushing potential perpetrators of irrational hate talk on to a more activist stand. . . .
An Example of Unity/Solidarity in a Divided America
As the heavily militarised state violence mounts against the protesters who've been standing against the Dakota Access Pipeline, scores of American veterans are headed to Standing Rock to join the protest and act as "human shields". The organised alliance calling themselves 'Veterans Stand for Standing . . .
Computers Complete Bach?
What’s the ‘likelihood’ of a computer completing an unfinished piece of Bach?
Certainly computers analysing pop buying public, are said to be able to reliably predict, the success of commercial hits prior to release. Moving on, they can doubtless throw-out options, to short-cut the process – but able to make a . . .