Thought For the Day – Let's Save the World!
We sometimes have to remind ourselves to take a break from doom and gloom and to seek out the optimists and the positive solutions. Someone who fits that criteria most of the time is blogger, activist and all-round Good Egg, Katie Griggs: and she has compiled ten simple ways that we can better protect the environment and possibly save the climate. Here's to constructive thinking and positive ideas.
Katie: For over 20 years, government representatives have been meeting to agree how to limit the warming of our planet. At the Paris Convention last year a miracle occurred and „they“ finally achieved something that would go some way to protecting the next generations from our already out-of-control carbon addiction.
Visiting the Climate Convention in November 2013, pictured with Friends of the Earth Germany’s giant blow-up Earth on my birthday!
For the millions of families who have lost their lives, homes and livelihoods already, due to hurricanes and rising sea levels, or suffer hunger and thirst due to drought, it is too late. But we have a shared responsibility to do everything we can to stop billions more people being affected. Every single person and organisation must make changes in their lives to make a difference, because everything we do now matters.