Trey Up
Not looked at where Trey Gowdy is at, know much about him, aside the regular inclusion of clips of his congressional grillings on the admirable You Tube channel 1791L. Channel description; ‘In the spirit of full disclosure: libertarian right wing lean. Founded in California, forging in the US.’ Assume this is where Trey is at.
Certainly one for disclosure and fuller than the usual pull-back and move along. He appears to forget ‘who’ he’s talking to. A lover of ‘one law for all’ who in another clip, talks of those who’d allow the misuse and abuse to set in, "may benefit today, tomorrow you may beg to have the law enforced".
Noted Donald T hasn’t liked him much, tweeting he’s a ‘disaster’ after his following of Rubio. Yet, he’s now in and abouts, and on the ‘transition team’.
Trey rarely makes the limelight in my reading or viewing among alternative news and commentary, although in fairness 'U.S. Representative' positively-wise, who does?
I take heart at his insistence to refrain from flinching. This kind of talk and to this extent, is rare and most welcome.