Professional Perspectives
By the last post Paul Craig Roberts is getting angry; 'This is the American media, a collction of dumbshit whores who sell their souls to official lies. America has no greater enemy than its own media'. Anyone think he's over-reacting, the course language too much? Shouldn't we all have such shocked expressions and . . .
Will write something in a day or so.
God bless you
(like I mean it/pray so)
Up in a bit, doing a pre-commercial, have something's to say s'pose. Later today like. Plus the new, use a word on image-design.
Thanks for reading, looking -- Mark.
Blood And Heart
This a chat. Combo to bring out the best. Enormous. Jordan is gripped. Camille’s opening salvo obliterates a dumper truck of illusions. Five minutes, we have it, the 60-70's educational scam and subsequent influence. Leaving us all, here now, in an unfolding culturally dominant cesspit.
'There is no . . .
O Lord, the clouds are gathering
The fire of judgement burns
How we have fallen
O Lord, you stand appalled to see
Your laws of love so scorned
And lives so broken
A fine hymn by Graham Kendrick. One to sing right now. Obviously prompted by the title of this upsetter of a news article 'War . . .
Britain Moves
Few care to know about, and fewer still act upon with protest, the outrageous possibility of establishment complicit-contrived 'terror attacks'. The implications, if correct, too unsettling for -- 'we ain't so fooled/so shut-it' -- intelligentsia and disciples.
Therefore, attempting to alert . . .
Rational Redundancy
Man does a poster. Advertises a church service. Uses what he considers to be an 'iconic image of evil' yet, gives it silence and space. Sits there. Black and white. Utterly appropriate with aim to draw a curious onlooker. Decent promotional evangelism.
No. Headlines on RT. And presumably a local hoo-ha in . . .