Professional Perspectives
By the last post Paul Craig Roberts is getting angry; 'This is the American media, a collction of dumbshit whores who sell their souls to official lies. America has no greater enemy than its own media'. Anyone think he's over-reacting, the course language too much? Shouldn't we all have such shocked expressions and make cries of outrage.
In the mouth of two or three witnesses. Who shall we bring on? How about Steve Pieczenik and let's add Robert Steele?
There we have it, with medical professional perspectives following, and; 'The Mystery Deepens / UPDATE: This from a UK trauma surgeon: / More Responses to the Military Surgeon’s Letter / An American Trauma Surgeon Responds' all from Paul Craig Roberts on October 10/11th.
There we have it. And we've been had. Bad. Can we..? WE can, turn this, to good. Break the sound barrier. Making a sonic boom. Like those jets rumbling away around their bases, lingering for conflict. To stop this, the false-flags are our hope. Here a best chance we have, for a political/socio-cultural upset, like we've never seen. Therefore:
Do we take this quietly?
These men have attracted other men and women, who are refusing to let their concerns remain silent. Reading Paul Craig Roberts is a heartening and moving experience, bringing well-needed momentum toward a more widely seen, open investigation, of false-flags.
This all took a significant jump forward this week. Memory hole or make a noise?
Must. Type and graph on. And whatever we do, plus chat about, to those around us.
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