Blood And Heart
This a chat. Combo to bring out the best. Enormous. Jordan is gripped. Camille’s opening salvo obliterates a dumper truck of illusions. Five minutes, we have it, the 60-70's educational scam and subsequent influence. Leaving us all, here now, in an unfolding culturally dominant cesspit.
'There is no authentic 1960's point of view in any of the elite universities...' she breezily busts.
An inside scoop. And mine here.
Said, establishment-elite should be shocked at the transparency. Deconstruct the 'deconstructionist' mucho sicko -- bet coke'd-up -- conspiracy, that can only come through... repeat drugs and... well, as they deeply -- and takes concentration to follow -- explain.
Listened to 40 minutes and will hammer through the rest. Likely dip back in and out for rewinds.
A contrasting convo comes from Tim Kelly and Joe, the aptly, and unusually accurately used and titled; 'Principalities and Powers'. This only dipped through but should make the distance soon.
A major disconnect, in the widely recognised brightest of intellectuals landscaping our world, the ones who get half a million views vs two thousand is about the missing the roots of the roots they survey -- and therefore, still shoots.
Psychology over the darko depths to politics.
They get so-far and identify the perpetrators on the ground, the more-public and open proclaimers but there's levels below, never get discussed.
No one ever much spills these beans. Public figures who dare not-know/intend not to know/go "not know" etc. etc. Here's some rare unguarded by a Camille type and Naomi "no, we have to deal with it" Wolf.
As for a comparable to Jordan and say, male?
Gore Vidal had his brief T.V. moment. (...this typist is scratching his head)
Nope... almost, no one. No Paul Craig Roberts talk (him being the nearest). Not he's defined famous but y'know, a presidential statesman.
Dis ain't aloud. Or better said, allowed? Jordan, shunned by many but embraced-enough to be considered not be, so dangerous, outside a well-defined ballpark. Suitably guarded, by what seems like a forest and mountains yet all the while a reservation. The global gulag of acceptable chatter.
Back to Drugs: Fingers on the gangs, the cartels and all about warring factions. This the blood and bone but never talk about the heart. Talk 'Tim-n-Joe' is confined to the net and that's as far as. Not about them or anyone getting opp. on the symbolic over viewer numbers T.V. About the screaming silence. F'in sonic boom.
About ones who might, could, or do, get the kiss of mainstream -- never piping up. AT ALL or EVER. About the why/who, if push back enough, get back into the control rooms. Not a fella of gal. Not a one-er.
(Still.. scratching m'nodle)
The area that's absent isn't without dispute but it's wide and all connecting. It's this: Who if at all, and to what degree are the pumps being primed by?
Tim Kelly and Joe have the causation and a whole-lotta correlation. J and C remain firmly, state and actor safe, more -- brilliant as -- on the one step back and correlation.
The danger is question time in a public setting. A lippy comic live and bulshy pop star. A Naomi begging for it lecture.
It's like the movie Truman Show and the gal running on the set.
Who'll have the balls?
"Please God"