Attitude Determines Altitude
Couldn't help but glow when watching Jordan Peterson meeting Cathy Newman.
Currently clocking up two million on C4's YT channel. Four-times those who saw it live and dwarfing their other vids. Think of all the prep? Cathy and team, with coaches, managers, confidence high -- assume? And whammo, the most outrageous . . .
Cull Or Confinement?
Why care, who they are? We know, what they're at. Know enough. Players come operatives at large. Open about . . .
Unfolding Of Prophecy First
Prompted by Brendon during his latest broadside at conventional political polarity. Left a comment and did my usual find a line and searched 'news' for 'end times'.
Get who else, top of the pops: Trump and co. BBC: So he . . .
Will We See?
John B. Wells disclosed on 4/1/18 that Wolfgang is on his way to raising 25k toward a new lawsuit to bust this pinnacle scam. 'Something we mustn't get sick of' -- says . . .
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
Every terrorist who is in Israeli prison serves as an incentive to others to abduct [Israelis],” he said, referring to the practice of prisoner swaps between . . .
Swearing In or Out?
Sixty-three Israeli students signed a letter stating they would defy mandatory military service despite the risk of jail. Citing the occupation of Palestine, the letter criticizes the policies of Israel’s “racist government.”
RT c/o PCR who re-titles to the . . .
David Crowley
About to give away his film Gray State. Makes no sense; David kills wife, daughter, and self. No proof either way. To convince beyond a reasonable doubt, there's probably evidence but not provided. Case closed.
Greg Fernandez Jr sets out the story with remarkable ease of expression and openness. Compelling listen and . . .