Unfolding Of Prophecy First
Prompted by Brendon during his latest broadside at conventional political polarity. Left a comment and did my usual find a line and searched 'news' for 'end times'.
Get who else, top of the pops: Trump and co. BBC: So he seems a good person to ask. When Mr Trump recognised Jerusalem as Israel's capital, did American evangelicals support him for Biblical reasons, as has been reported? Because of a belief in the Battle of Armageddon? The End Times? The second coming of Jesus Christ, and a thousand years of peace? Mr Moore laughs at the suggestion. "I've never heard it come up once," he says. "Not once."
Sure it didn't. Polite company an' all. Yet it dominates the loudest half of spitting evangelicals. Ones online and getting traffic, more like 80%. An agreed diversity of thinking, while all assume in the 'end times' and signs they believe-in abound.
Written on this here/there, to state this all rooted in questions and time. 'God in time' -- there's prophecy unfolding, some from the Bible in broad sweeping indications. Conditional principles or sketches. More, here God-now, to speak and thereby see fulfilled. Take Bible passages to re-appropriate in our context. In prayer. In proclamation and dynamic, not static outworking.
'God outside time' -- although not a prerequisite to going along with -- taken to mean, future details in the text. Blueprint for sleuths.
Close to Trump Christians, all in this choir. In fairness not working 'for' Global destruction but a mixture more or less for revival. Christian churches seeing spectacular growth.
For them, Israel blessing brings this back upon the bless-ers. While all things 'gay' brings trouble. In a somewhat convoluted double-think, divide between those seeing Church arise or not. Get swept off or not. Islam new-viewed beast or... and so on.
Tired of going around and round this block, talk has moved on. Aliens and CERN, multi-dimensions and giants and one step-beyond-ers; Flat-Earth and Mandela Effect.
What me saying? Make three statements. Into quick-fire TS posts hereon. Stuff scrappy because/not say so much:
1) The idea neo-cons for Christ are planning to push buttons to escalate a second coming is remote. Might be nutters who want to brink-off other military powers with Bible in mind. Or accept may well happen -- but US/federations dominance the goal. Having said this, the close-to-buttons lot are in Globalist alliances, unlikely for-Christ. They have their religion.
2) As Brendon seems to imply, many see their selections of signs-first as a kind of safety valve. Global-wide catastrophe cannot happen 'before'. Or will not, because... Jesus returns/then/before. While the only clear Bible-based intention is the good news must go around the world. First. Traditional take is every last tongue or tribe. Missionaries trekking into jungles and the like.
Here are some stats: It is estimated that of the 7.47 billion people alive in the world today, 3.15 billion of them live in unreached people groups with little or no access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. According to Joshua Project, there are approximately 16800 unique people groups in the world with about 6900 of them considered unreached.
Decades past this looked somewhat achievable now the church in the West (US/UK/Germany etc.) is in decline. Overseas outreach can be a noble cause but not indicating fulfilment. Hence, would take revival.
My thought is, into what? By and large, the evangelical church is not well placed to receive and then what would the convert get? Jesus, but -- what oh what -- baggage?
3) End-times and all that 'stuff' is becoming a massive cry-wolf off-put. Israel the remaining rock for the futurist-reading prophecy-heads. For those in this mindset, the embassy move to Jerusalem is positive. But here's their thing; Nothing stops their viewed, pre-Christ return, set-up.
Like watching a preview of a movie. One of the same. The Bible isn't seen as foretelling what 'will' happen but 'has' happened. Not a promise even but a prescriptive perspective.
To conclude:
Those 'go-beyond' flat-earth and mandela-ites will further rip through futurists scenes in 2018. With lots of spluttering and divide up, the latest next-distraction. Ever more -- including many outside observers -- rattled it's even mentioned. While all the TIME, the theology in the midst worth considering, assumed over and missed.
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