Swearing In or Out?
Sixty-three Israeli students signed a letter stating they would defy mandatory military service despite the risk of jail. Citing the occupation of Palestine, the letter criticizes the policies of Israel’s “racist government.”
RT c/o PCR who re-titles to the distilled and about-worst slur; Apartheid Israel.
Dissenting students. In the face of 650 others, immediately signing a counter-letter.
Comparable to South Africa and the End Conscription Campaign? Mid-80's and soon banned. Caused significant upset. Young will do jail, over swear into the war factory?
Conscientious objection and pacifism is one thing. This about, who and what is being defended? For them, it's injustice and persistent intransigence to appeal.
All that remains? Threatened cell and term.
The draft is the fuel and foundation for this kind of society. Without these concessions and youth's consent, the streets wouldn't have their affirming symbol. Young IDF = why all fight/that enemy.
Which in turn, the likely age group, to care -- this much. Be appalled and talk action. Idealistic teens. Where options and Israel, positive outcome's, seem remote. Pretend-peace-process. Always a determination, to self-sabotage. Translated into delay upon delay -- come crisis -- return to delay...
Their older siblings may have spoken of hope. "Next year..." -- something better for all? Disappointment, turning many to extremes. Hostility. IDF the vehicle. Victims and yet superiority, the psychology.
How many up and coming, might dare follow these dissenters? How long will 'Israel' allow such public expression?
In the occupied camps, they yearn for relief. Even more immediate, than political solutions, are day to day sustenance and safety. An ideal position for the grip of the oppressor.
Three views and cause; "Them not us". "Us, and them". "It's us". Of course, there's a fourth view -- "it's outsiders".
Repeat and close with -- the obvious -- Islamic Terror is more/less run by elite/USA and -- their bosses.
Islam-inspired and not included? These ones, may well consider Palestine, the make or break struggle. Yet, see the backroom-West need their 'terror attacks' to keep afloat. Fake causation: ...by a few bad apples among the mass immigration, justifies Israel, as the beacon overseas. To make all others in the region more chaotic states or they'll "take over".
Here are some of the rebels with a cause. Gently defiant, intelligent and suffering-sensitive.