Drill & Flags
Waiting on... God.
Gray never bought the idea that his book was a handbook for despair. His subject was humility; his target any ideology that believed it possessed anything more than doubtful and piecemeal answers to vast and changing questions. The cat book is written in that spirit. If . . .
Making History: A Bug's Life.
SUNDAY SCHOOL 9pm. Post complete 'on the fly' ... text, 'pon a skank.
Feelin' missin'..., and all of that, and, sax make-me, 'appy...
The Origin of Baseball
Been a, Forming, Storming, Norming, in the Morn.
. . .15/11 Sunday School AD.
Paul Craig Roberts
Tucker Carlson is the ONLY honest media figure in the United States. No wonder the presstitutes want him arrested. I am concerned that the criminal Hillary DNC will have him assassinated. You are simply not permitted to tell the . . .
Under Half And The Confessing Church
OFF AT 19.01, CHARLES THE MAN on Plantaseed.org.uk When I See You Next... NEXT TS, 1971 pt. 3. On Tammi, and all.
So, how do these commentators cope with that which is hidden in plain view? How do the best of them handle knowing the conspiracy scams? Sure, some don’t believe/refuse to look too closely and/or have a personal philosophy that justifies silence. Of course there’s survival and loved ones to consider but at the top end, and . . .
1971 Pt 2.
There are two upfront reasons to 'go dark' i.e. learn to live with candles etc. and fast a lot. Go OMAD. And from there, disengage from the 'things of this world'.
First is sound acclimatising preparation. Second is about mechanics. What's the pump and . . .
1971 Part 1.
Mambo Sun/ Cosmic Dancer/ Jeepster/ Monolith/ Lean Woman Blues/ Get It On/ Planet Queen/ Girl/ The Motivator/ Life's a Gas/ Rip Off
I Was Dancing When I Was Twelve
Gone, 11 (pm). Typing too much, go-make for a completion? On the, Seven, and One, in the morn? Thanks, for giving me your time.
All is love in the love, in the one. Our whole' lover.
. . .The Temptations - Ball of Confusion
SUNDAY SCHOOL: 1. Two Questions: 'Truth is what, and how, to liberate us?', and; 'Coming, Second, is Best?' 2. 'Van, a Man.' 3, 'Dave (Tomlinson), in 'The (latest) Shed.'
Aangirfan, MJ's, Self-Prescribed, Peace, With God, news/current affairs, outpost.
'Part I—The fundamental political question is why do people obey a government.
The answer is that they tend to enslave themselves, to let themselves be governed by tyrants.
. . .