1971 Pt 2.
There are two upfront reasons to 'go dark' i.e. learn to live with candles etc. and fast a lot. Go OMAD. And from there, disengage from the 'things of this world'.
First is sound acclimatising preparation. Second is about mechanics. What's the pump and fuel? Or better said, the necessity for the aspiring warrior.
John did what with clothes and food because without this the life called for would -- suggest -- not have happened. He ate/wore to make him-self, something, only this could achieve. How many baptized were offering patrons. "John stay here, have this, want this..?" Doubtless knew, not healthy and right.
So here we have it.
The normalisation of Christianity is accommodation to a 'world' over that will collapse. In a few years at the most. Locked-into lack of insight. Why?
No one much/at all/cares about the avalanche of media manipulation gushing forth. It screws us all up. Only by 'casting it down' conscious and in a public confession can we mitigate. Psychological prep. Practical prep. Prepare for the day is how the prophets of Old called it.
Plantaseed/Made For, (September 08, 2018)
'1971 Part 1,' / 'The Temptations - Ball of Confusion,' Corrected, the text. [My apologies].
For Jake,
[...smart and bright, about music. A Big-smile, gets a Big Up. Thanks for chatting. And, for, (other), locals and, know y'name? Dedication/s..., "soon come," on a 'TS or PAS' post.]
/1. Tammi T.
/2. Coming, Second, is (?), Best?
/3. 'Choppers'/Bikes /UK Hip-Hop.
Made this happen, I was the cause
Hand me the baton, hand me the torch
Running the game like it's a sport
But all I got in this world is my word and my balls...
'TV, attending/Vol., mask-wearing,' on one side.
And..., the rest of us? To divide us on "other line/s" doesn't hold. The Vol. Mask Cult is the religion. We can't put the robes, grab the 'Yellow Star' to wear, when we are, able?
In the US, Race is the wedge, for hammering through, the divisions. Cries of "Fire, Fire...", in and among Ad-breaks, in the persevere sport of politics. The fake'st of Wrestling, with dancing girls and beer.
Quadruple-Crashing-Double-Troubles, are all we, see.
Coz, see, it's, "All Over, The News." Marinating in the undertones, TV-Is-Here-To-Help"/"...in it, together."
Breeding, baptising, in, and fostering viewers' co-dependency.
October 2020, was, Make, Your?, Mind-Up-Time?
Age-group, 'front and centre,' target, bullseye, The Peoples' Hope. " Twenties UK are the vulnerable, sub-set, facing the wars: The determining factor, for the thieves, robbers, and destroyers.
The Biblical and sound, theological, understanding and definition?
The role, describes, an, Accuser, and, Deceiver, and, body-less, personalities.
Jettison, if y'can, all the subterfuge 'n going-nowhere, speculations. Heaped-on, and for, Believers, to suck-on..., like...?
The TV-Type, (Not), News, eh?
In direct, reference?
Limited, Biblical' revelation, is enough to build, Bright/Light, thinking. For, proportional; Appropriate, Assertive, Adult, ACTIONS.
Proportion to, a mature, community builder, -not- on a, thumb-sucking cop-out?
Division, and Splintering. Families, and, organic Friendships. The outcomes, and aims, of said, "Satanic".
Ages' 20-25-ish. are the Pre-War C-19 Babes and Fighters, Alive -not- Dead-as.
Generation Just-Enough. With social-whereabouts, and independence, and a level of collective-held, common/sense/consensus.
All..., Our, Tomorrow's, Future.
The Word, is?
Up to all? "Yep."
Live and, REPENT, and cease, childishness, and continue, lost-in avoidance?
The differences in contemporary, music, attitudes, and behaviour?
C-19, has set out the lines.
The music, "...into," is, reflective.
Much about, the truth (?), 'scooped and, Mission/on.
Certain, music and life-style, attitudes, y'pop and soul likes?
Determine, cultural, differences, overall?
In addition: regional differences, and, social/financial-status, background, and, education?
The sizzling-hot controversy, ...isn't, about, conspiracy theories.
NOT, about, the subject/s, and any, potential exposure?
The over-arching, theory, ...one, MJ, be rammin' at ya?
HIDE? To avoid, the explosive, REV-a-lation. Or, we ought to get ye, gentle does it, out in the byways, and ram, home, the L O V E.
And: Be Of No-Doubt, what, All and All, is a battle over?
If we could, and, hypothetically; Ask/talk/enquire/hear/the stats., and, undisclosed, collective-levels and depths, around, (media) reception and uptake?
Data, the organisers from Hell. The riches and wealth, of manipulation and deceit. The Super Glue, behind all-else, and, advantage.
Breadcrumbs to the 'Book of Genesis'? Early last Century? Pick up there.
Search: MKULTRA, to 'Tavistock' and Donald Cameron. Through to Common Purpose..., a start on, the crooked, crap.
To maintain, while, increase, capacities.
ON: human-based, decades-advanced, work/forces.
Computer Bad, and mad, sick, lost in demonic activity, operators.
A well-known, or, should be, book and title, consider a prophetic, word/book?
'Amusing Ourselves To Death'.
In 2020?
Amusement, is Avoidance, and/or, Denying... Ourselves, To, (Alive-but-Dead-But...), Death.
Considerations, include; dependence on the corresponding reaction, and possible, personal cost?
Theories, are threatening?
a) Correct.
Criminals, are vulnerable to the (Public) Courts, and "off to Prison/Punishments/Exile(?).
b) Non-Physical, Material, "Maybe, one day..."
Not-my-ends ...(Not) Feelin' (It). Put-off. Booverin'?
All..., 'too-Tomorrow' and, so, goes,...theoretical?
One, conspiracy, too far?
A loud-enough Trumpet, BLAST... "Crisis 2020", cares and concerns.
The call up for a Norm.al, expected, response?
Baked, and waved in frequencies, radiating from the hot-line to, HELP TEAM GB.
Twenty-Four, Blasting-us, Hours O'Boris, etc., Articulating, and, TOLD THE: Problems/ Reaction, (TOLD, ...happening?)/ and, Solution/s. (TOLD...).
Key DECEPTION. The One, Big Lie?
Receiving: The News/Read, Papers/Talk-Radio?
Pretending, "go along,...,"
Is, Go...
Expressed/Excused: To be, forewarned, is to, Pre-Pare?/ don't believe a-word-of -it, but..., Watch/ Hear/ Read../ Need, to know, What's going On?"/ "My...":
TV/ Pundit/ Pastor/ Mum/ Cus/ big bros./ Bird/ Ol'man/ m'mate...
"Can't,... be, wrong?
CONFIRMS, the TV etc..
Takin' "Dwugs," and a music genre, called, Trance? Goes-someway, in describing, the blot-toed, blad-dered, and, Out-Of-It, exhibition.
Insight? Same-old, same ol': sex, and/or, drugs/power, bad-music, and..., "don't talk about, religion or, politics."
So, on, and so, on, [ ...].
Drunk in a daze, a ball... big-Big ball,... OF, CON-fusion.
Cometh, October, '20.
Now? November?
Operation Division, Month. Number Two.
Remember, (or, not a Truther, clue?) ...the, late 30s?
The move toward overt censorship and lockdown, from the covert, and hyper-hypocrite UK, had to happen. Better, now, than later? Waiting would allow the prison to be further built around us, with continuing, insufficient, alarm.
The big bully's spoiling for a punch-up.
Out, he C-19 comes. Following along with the false flag and/or hoax lines, we're on an exercise, in-credulity.
Now, do we get, a central motive, and the State' complicit, 'attack our, selves'?
Excessive errors in covering-up; Or..., see, how far, XYZ-we-all, react?
Of course, a year ago, 'the other lot' and human lackeys already knew, who would be, what? (I.e., 'mask-wear'/'mask-won't'/'mask-on-if-must.').
In the days leading to WW2, gas masks were promoted by the British Govt., yet..
Plantaseed/ Apostles Waring
What's the Conspiracy/Controversy?
The promotion of Gas Masks, knowing..., it was evil and destructive. All, towards, bring about-more, global conflict. The facts, documents, evidence? The, "Awake One's," will know the case-for, or not, be, surprised?
To discern: 'awake/awakening' and people, who refuse to grow-up and become, the adult, born to be.
For the, definition, and the 2020, conspiracy, and Theory. Ravaging us like a Plague?
Adult dependent mind-numbed/spooked by techno-wizardry. State-apparatus, based. Stockholm Syndrome, through, 'Mass Hypnosis,' via., the web, and TV/ Sex, Drugs, Money, Power(?) ..., religious, devotion. Blinded by love.
Ritual = Religious = ?
Gone missing?
In a childish, stroppy, belligerent, self-loathing, and.... scared...?
(is.., Cont., on.)
Something Else
Merry-go-round; Progs go Dems, Cons into Repubs. Marching right/left, right/left and ever bigger Govt. and off to wars we go. Only, almost a divergence, and the brief libertarian upsurge with Ron Paul. This self-sabotaged in the early primaries.
Bill to speak: 'I'll show you politics in America. Here it is, right here. I think the puppet on the right shares my beliefs. I think the puppet on the left is more to my liking. Hey, wait a minute, there's one guy holding out both puppets'.
What am I on about/where going?
Plataseed/Thus Saith
Judgement is what we need. Now. Sooner than later. Judgement in this life is redemptive, buying time and space. Repentance, a change of mind, the preferred outcome.
There are two-ish kinds of Christians, in-fact this speaks wider but certainly theologically, there's, interventionists – those who believe God does, because we do and what happens, dependent. The 'make me a sign-ers'.
And predeterminists. Who can, and do, live like active activators with God, but have a rational basis for more 'show me' than make me.
Those (nb – 'ain't me babe'), scurrying about 'looking for signs of His coming' put judgement, as God being – obviously in their thinking – particularly 'in', some of the bad things happening. From earthquakes to terrorism. Floods to financial crashes. The notion we could see nations change their ways and see these averted. Their proviso; you cannot stop the ticking-clock to whichever Book of Revelation maps-us, they hold. But these 'signs' a warning of God's protest.
Plantaseed/Sign, (April 23, 2016)
The Byrds
And a few words about Trump, who does not happen to be the messiah.
Time magazine features The Great Reset slimeball edition for your edification, by Jon Rappoport.
John 4:44
C/o Aangirfan.
Pee Wee and. Jonathan.
The...'The Katt Video,' (on, Pt. 1), wasn't, the one with the line about (God), offering, "back up."
While, Lord Jonathan Sumption..., is, the only, one, and not..., One,Of..,...the people, who spoke out, from the start? Similar to the 'mistake', Vlad made, interviewing, Pee Wee Kirkland'? Nor, one, of... Harlem's first criminals to lead the escalation in crime. Not, one, of them... the, forerunner.
The Man
Man Of The Hour
I Turned The Television Off
1971 NY's Harlem, to the Disco(techs), in the UK.
1971, "take two,"
Pee Wee, and Jonathan?
MJ, off/out, 'til Tea (time).