The Temptations - Ball of Confusion
SUNDAY SCHOOL: 1. Two Questions: 'Truth is what, and how, to liberate us?', and; 'Coming, Second, is Best?' 2. 'Van, a Man.' 3, 'Dave (Tomlinson), in 'The (latest) Shed.'
Aangirfan, MJ's, Self-Prescribed, Peace, With God, news/current affairs, outpost.
'Part I—The fundamental political question is why do people obey a government.
The answer is that they tend to enslave themselves, to let themselves be governed by tyrants.
Freedom from servitude comes not from violent action, but from the refusal to serve.'
(Sunday, 1 November 2020)
Do, What Can? Produce a SERVICE?
Go for; Dave Tom., The Two Question, Van..., An hour, with Owen?
Monday/three hrs, time, on PAS.
All in a moment?
How about me?
Five, ten, and 20 years ago?
Woody Allen, Joseph Goebbels?
Word/s, and names?
How about the word/s and associations, we associate?
WOODY, JOSEPH? Teachable, on, continual learning?
At, 22.15, 01/11/2020:
Pop., assumptions? Alternatives More witness=statements, read the sources, not, the filtered one-side fits, all doubts?
A Woman
Even amid plague, economic apocalypse, and the cancellation of 2020, dumb stuff keeps happening. Besides, loads of us will now beeline for any column not about coronavirus.
Key words: Hachette, Woody Allen.
Why Hachette were wrong to drop Woody Allen’s memoir
Lionel Shriver.
My search for sources that might throw light on Hitler’s character was sometimes successful, sometimes not. Weeks of searching with a proton magnetometer – a kind of supersensitive mine detector – in a forest in East Germany failed to unearth a glass jar containing stenograms of Goebbels’s very last diaries, although at times, according to the map in my possession, we must have stood right over it. In writing this biography however I did obtain a significant number of authentic, little known diaries of the people around Hitler, including an unpublished segment of Jodl’s diary; the official diary kept for OKW chief Wilhelm Keitel by his adjutant Wolf Eberhard, and Eberhard’s own diary for the years 1936 through 1939; the diary of Nikolaus von Vormann, army liaison officer to Hitler during August and September 1939; and the diaries kept by Martin Bormann and by Hitler’s personal adjutant Max Wünsche relating to Hitler’s movements.
Introduction to HITLER'S WAR
David Irving.
(June 4, 2018)
A Merry-Go-Round Causes Evil, (October 26th, 2020).
Question, (on/and from, F.Book):
“If God created men, women, all creatures, and the universe in six freaking days, why is He so powerless to change the horrible things that happen on earth? He’s freaking God!!! With a wave of hand, He should be able to end all this evil. I have to conclude God does not exist. Never has.”
Thomas Jay Oord, offers respectable illustrations to address it?
Something, Else?
By/before, midnight, x.
Bombed, and...
Gonna split. 23:15, next, PAS:
'Births and Travailing?'
[WAS, X.] BACK: 10 pm., Prep'd and no. notes on, and take, y'phone, inside the booth?
slow thai, RITUALS AND CONFIDENCE, advertised, a-comin'
Part II—Liberty is the natural condition of the people. Servitude, however, is fostered when people are raised in subjection. People are trained to adore rulers. While freedom is forgotten by many there are always some who will never submit.
Part III—LIf things are to change, one must realize the extent to which the foundation of tyranny lies in the vast networks of corrupted people with an interest in maintaining tyranny.
Nine, it is?
Laziness-resisting, with deliverance, (?), or disciplines? WHAT/WHY, set, over-ambitious plans, about a 'post'?
Ya, n'what? On a break? Suggest, and humbled, y'interested: Once done here, a new PAS post?
Think an hour off, hour to write, short rest, and tidy-up, b'fore, zzzzzz.
A Man
Say it; Get shouty. Get the guts moved, and feelin' for life, and what to do...? Follow a man? Who, Will, Not, F E A R... hide-away, defer, to the Pop World's consensus?
Silence? Acceptable, understandable. As for, doing, the, Satanic Mask Dance?
To, volunteer?
Theology, Pt. 1.: God/Doesn't Lie/'Masks' in the deceptive, context?
Couldn't be credited, as from...
Except and wherein, God might, have decided to harden, certain, hearts?
Man, to hear, no-messing?
Side-bar: On, Nov. 5th? More, re-recounting, lies. ALL, who note the date/s? Watch, we don't check-out from counter-evidential, alternatives?
Not...? Caught, in a sing-along, in a fall-for-Falsies; Confession to/from/for...?,: The Wrong, LOT.
IF, and what, I've read/seen?
Guy, and the Gunpowder plot?
Twas, an, inside job.
So what?
Agreeing, sends us blind. Repetition of deceptions.
Doubtless, Dave's, acquainted with the dodgy claims and more, C-19=Govts./£'s-richest, psychos.
Balanced, with ballsy speculation, and makes for Primo broadcasting.
Imparts, mental wellness and, one, Dynamite: 'Truth Warrior.'
Fire considered 'judgement' by -- some -- Jewish people over the burning Talmud incident 1242.
Or say... beginning of the strengthening resolve -- for the past 777 years -- to keep the influence of the Talmud at bay. Thus why Church and surrounding institutions grew and even thrived because of.
On the T.? Hear some say we should check the text ourselves and not overstate the Talmud. They question its use.
On to the rebuilding, reflecting tolerance and diversity. Over, proclamations of Christ and 'come to me'. While again, some-J's see battle an inevitable victory, the fire, symbolic of its decline. The rise of Judaism as reflected in society.
Then we get into the failing of the church. As normal -- always about sex. Leading to a call for 'France' to reconnect with your Church! Save Her and cherish Her, for She may not always be with you.
Symbolic-becomes, when re-appropriated.
WE: add something to actions seeking to advance their dark ways. Destructive people's currency. Rather than a-God gives a sign, they God-think with, take chance and initiative. Set aims and schedule actions. Plot the numerical dots.
God declared, moral imperative is not, to remove someone's capacity to, 'repent'? If people in potions of authority, are on an unstoppable course, to, hurt and/or, kill, people?
God will/or, could, that?
As, and for Moses of Old. (Old Test./Bible).
Else, the cost in prolonging, and 'lock-down, fakey C., continues? Time, is, not..., on, our side. Get, no, relief. A new, False/Fake, Flags, Series, will begin, again. Wind-up, the Brexit, Spinning Ball? Stereophonic. Horrible. A 'Health & Safety', sting.
Hells' scummed-up, evil-Spirits' in operation.
The concern weighing MJ, is the building of shame and guilt. The C-19, mission.
Ten years in trutherville, and the remains, and embers, in the fire, and —A-Light.
1. The 2010-on, predicted, dollar-crash, (not, Joel Skousen, Nb., on Fri., PAS?) As we can see? It didn't, occur.
A disappointment, and the seasoned awake, and watching? Aka., intelligence, with sufficient, required, humility?
A delayed, $-Crash, and: The War, and battling, in 'realms' (unseen), —and, on earth?
Wasn't, good news.
A reprieve / "promises"? More..., Process.
The purpose, is the process. The object, or subject. In their religion? WE, are animals, (to them). On, their, farm.
The answer: We need an Independence Day.
"Ya'got it?" Where we're at. Until..., signs otherwise? We'll see?
(to be cont. And, The Shed/ Two Questions / A Man.)
INTRO, (, far. / Time to get a Bible?)
'No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.'
'and forgive us our sins, for also we ourselves forgive every one indebted to us; and mayest Thou not bring us into temptation; but do Thou deliver us from the evil.'
/ 'Forgive us our sins, for we forgive everyone who does us wrong. And do not bring us to hard testing.'
'Four hundred to do with what? And the, 'size, and distance?'
Search and read: amazing coincidence. Another source? It, just. happens, to be...?
Bonus Ball
Our..., Prescribed, Daily, News:
In 2012, The New Statesman, declared:
Mear One’s mural – bad art and bad politics.
The New Statesman, two days ago...:
[ ... ] suspension from the Labour Party is a declaration of war by the leadership against all socialists. It throws down the gauntlet to the entire left to rally in defence of the leader who brought socialism back as a major force in British politics.'
How Very Post-Modern, (July 09, 2016)
Blair's Fall, (September 25, 2017)
History provides us with a manifold of occasions in which the masses pretended to support the regime, the ruling party or a tyrant. What we see in the West currently is the opposite. A large segment of the public is actually fearful of the opposition, of those who are committed to ‘liberate’ them from their ‘crypto fascist’ rulers in the name of ‘liberal values’ and ‘freedom'.
Corbyn and the Tyranny of Correctness
Gilad Atzmon.
(October 30, 2020)
Mainstream news, is the news. The big story. The conspiracy conduit that itself can barely be underestimated in its complicity to evil.
Blame humanity or those 'pumping'? Both – us and them. But the lies the spew out from the 'press'? Digital sleepers. No wonder most people jump to any and every escape from the real news to sex, drugs 'n bass and, “leave out the 'serious' talk".
Corbyn's Stand
(July 02, 2016)
Can't-fail to be gawping shocked and freaking out at this year's flaming madness. The language police are coming to get us, they're coming to get us, they're coming to...
Lights on sirens wailing. Our social -- eh? -- services in a media-conducted trumpeting onslaught and robbery against reason and logic. Against areas of humanity in achieving relative freedoms with healthy and prosperous by-products.
But lemmings, do what?
Need a witness?
'It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.'
— Joseph Goebbels.
Stop Saying That
(March 02, 2019)
My wee emphasis and contention are it's all about the reaction. In fact, actions are undertaken, most about the reaction. Get it? More we lie along, the more we aquacise and beckon come cause the war and destruction.
There's a connection. Not about this issue or that. About how to get good... better women and men to go along. 2+2 and equalize. This the fuel. This is demonic ether.
(February 21, 2019)
Mear One
'You are in good company. Rockerfeller destroyed Diego Viera’s mural because it includes a picture of Lenin.' [Corbyn/2012.]
Oh... feel his pain. Any vestiges of humanity and in this for good causes, being slow and sure, battered out of. This for him. Unto the Illuminati mission and bow. This all that matters. Have as many can/SAY. Knowing but silent is so less powerful. Denial through deflection, never enough. Have to get someone to utter what we all with reason and logic can see is bull. Get him to lie, have legions of presstitutes and public figures gaggle along. Pretend or accuse. Protect and serve the satanic. (Def. the role of accuser and deceiver). Have a public either know this to be or be that gullible and sleep through.
Not look but see. The creed of our times. It's religious.
Mear One
(March 26, 2018)
Keep to one listen, an unheard Owen B. The Truth Will Set You Free | Owen Benjamin | 2020-10-31. While a friend's puzzler to me:
Truth, and, our freedom/s? What, how, and why?
"What's best?"
Second, Question?
Not: Winning, the top-spot and, come, first?
Two questions. To-day. Make a go of it, and afterwards...,
Listen to, Owen, and call m'mate, hear his take, on, Coming, Second is Best?