Jesus says: Bridges or Walls?
Long, long ago. I saw a Thrasher Mag back page and a drawing of two jars, each with meat in. Lid-off and flies, lid-on – not. The headline said something like; You want to know what anarchy is? Later, many years on, I stood defined ‘anarcho-syndicalist’ and although the illustration had some merit in describing the big A - it's . . .
Syrian President Bashar Assad considers Russia’s Vladimir Putin as the “only defender of Christian civilization one can trust.”
'Christian' civilization means Jesus, and immediate-followers, behaviour/s. Not what Jesus came to bring this, although welcome where it's co-opted by rulers for peace and justice. This . . .
Pope: Help To Grow Up
The Pope. Has named, a claiming to be Christian (like himself), politician’s policy on the practicalities of immigration, makes this person - not the opinion - Not... a/Christian.
Let’s try this again?
A religious leader calls a political leader, not part of his religion, because this politico wants to build a . . .
In what sounds crystal analysis, Syrian Girl is asked about Isis future in the face of defeat(s)? Her answer incisive, and something not always identified; It’s about the ‘God on our side’ driving-beliefs. (An alternative could be, powerful chemical stimulants?)
But what’s the something, keeping them battling, not . . .
Communications Act
One comment, on someone arrested for an offensive-comment, on Buteman is this:
It would be helpful to have an idea of what was said rather than something that the police were not happy was said and the police will tackle.
Even an edit version to show the general sense of what said.
But nothing?
The . . .
Queen Question
What does God mean us to conclude from Paul, writing in the N.T. saying; we should consider, those he disputes and preaching Jesus, do no harm? Goes further and says, does 'good'.
Perhaps it's context? Those he viewed, a bridge, albeit a confused and heretical message with dodgy motives were - doing good, for . . .
Chris Hedges on Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders’ Phantom Movement
I’m not persuaded on bigger govt and Marxism but appreciate some urgency and angst, writing that upsets but drives me...
to my knees - and this keyboard.
Here’s a top comment on the above piece that brings some light:
Lisa Boucher • 2 days ago: The even deeper . . .