Queen Question
What does God mean us to conclude from Paul, writing in the N.T. saying; we should consider, those he disputes and preaching Jesus, do no harm? Goes further and says, does 'good'.
Perhaps it's context? Those he viewed, a bridge, albeit a confused and heretical message with dodgy motives were - doing good, for the cause?
Then we have Jesus slamming the religious who were 'inside' and sprouting their credentials? Less problematic to discern.
Here we have a play. Brietbart reports; A play depicting Jesus Christ as a transgendered woman has been performed in a consecrated and active Church of England...
It seems this, is the issue. The physical space. And the questionable and not-biblically sanctioned notion of consecration.
The play sounds an ideal allegorical starter for questions about God. What evangelicals, who believe they should protest will achieve – is extra publicity.
And me posting it here?
A comment: God loves people and has given us a message. We find this through seeking and questioning, conviction and change of mind. Books/Bible and a reaching heart out.
Multiple interpretations of Gen to Rev and 2000 years of traditions. No one can seriously believe that this play will necessarily influence people from not-seeking God. Far from it, when could, be an opportunity 'for God'.
That's it..? The play, is evangelism.
I'm sure some will consider they'll be doing this, when they stand outside and might somewhat agree? But here's the quandary. They'll doubtless be outside complaining that the play is being performed/here. Yet, would presumably like, to engage about God? Through the opportunity/which shouldn't be happening.
What saith God eh?
Paul might have me puzzled with; Can I consider obnoxious street/TV-preacher's serving God's purposes?
But there's no ish with - become all things… so that by some means… win some.
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