Next: Water Pt. 2 and Bicarbonate of Soda; Sea Salt(s) to Electrolyte Powder.
August 09, 2021
Into Off Grid On God myself, while TS posts are practical in aim, and what's poppin' UK Drill, etc.
In principle and practical sense, the Water we choose to drink, is the first step and alternative approach to health. What are the benefits of . . .
Free Speech Champions
'God Is Trying' (House Gospel Choir), 15.45 in the mix. "Let's Go Danny" who Big's Up, Jellybean Benitez (NYC)
July 25, 2021
You might’ve heard that the US has left Afghanistan.
After twenty years there, the US and the international forces have pulled out. They tried to do it pretty quietly. So quietly, in fact, that the overnight departure from the Bagram Air . . .
Vans And Plans
July 12, 2021
The practical, over the political is the blog's future. One, aim and theme, one message, and; my observations, feelings, needs, and (prayer), requests. The discipline required is not to gush and offload, whatever's looking to be, scooped. No idea how many click-in, and yet am producing for . . .
Not The Sunday School Service 4
May 19, 2021
Update, June 14, 2021.
Not calling it, "Classical", (a Quintin Crisp -ism.), Music, and whatever ram-jammin' on Plant a Seed.
Truthscoop: Latest Drill etc., news and releases, and 'tings like:
Fulvic Minerals
. . .
Not The Sunday School Service 3
Bag's Too Fat (Re; 2). Supposed to be the last one, before days off. [Not showing time-on today/on two pts., below, to completo... mon-do]
May 18, 2021
...may I say Something?
Three years ago, another U.K. man was jailed for allegedly teaching his pug to make a “Nazi salute” — but apparently it didn’t precipitate “another” . . .
Not The Sunday School Service 2
Post, this post: Fancy a couple of days off. Pls., pray... keep-off and no, TS or, PAS-ing.
May 17, 2021
Late Night Session, Take It Easy
[Ten past (8 PM), and on five minutes of Patrick H.]
Original G., so, PLEASE Listen-UP? Do, 10.00 to 15.00 min. -or- Go FROM the START?
No Chains, not Free, how come?
. . .
Not The Sunday School Service
On Late Late, and sayin' all-done-here, with a part two...
May 16, 2021